The Official "what Did You Get" Thread!

TelcoLou posted on Dec 26 2006 at 01:13 AM said:
moz posted on Dec 25 2006 at 08:11 PM said:
spent all my computer upgrade money ~£500 on my family and in return i got a woolworths £4.99 radio that no doubt the little buggers will microwave again.

bah fucking humbug, sometimes being "grown up" and having kids sucks. :)

ho ho hum!

* Rejoices in a 14+ year-long, childless marriage *

</ :D >
*several years later TelcoLou dies*
Congratulations, your family tree has wilted and died, here, have a complementary gift basket.

fluffyhamster posted on Dec 26 2006 at 02:16 AM said:
Wii + Twilight Princess

Good speakers for my computer

Battlefield 2 + Special Forces
I got a graphics card so I can play battlefield 2 :P Still, need special forces.
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Have any of you with wii's managed to throw the remote control through the tv yet (as reported by some media)
Well - I got:

Jeremy Clarkson - The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly (DVD)
The Complete Mr Benn (DVD)
Skillet - Comatose (CD)
Serenity Soundtrack (CD)
Boxer Shorts

and we're getting a cheque towards buying a pram for the impending baby.
I got a new guitar amp (A Line 6 Spider III 30 Watt) which is about a million times better than my old piece of crap and "Thud!" by Terry Pratchett. Also I got the best paper-mache reindeer EVER (sorry, no cam, so no picture) and a lighter shaped like a guitar. Which means I now have to get candles so I can use the lighter. Alternatively I could set fire to the trees in the local park. Wholesome activities all around!
Unfathomable Depths posted on Dec 26 2006 at 05:11 PM said:
I got to see my daughter open her presents.


Anyways, all I got for christmas was 12 hours of work. Thanks Jesu...err Santa <_<
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I recieved an unexpected Wii too with Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz
In fact I don't have it now as the shops went "out of stock". Will wait 2 weeks I think.
Funny to think that my two sisters just get a piece of paper for the price of a Wii.. Wii-cked ! :D
Unfathomable Depths posted on Dec 27 2006 at 12:11 AM said:
I got to see my daughter open her presents.

And a GP2X.

I didn't.
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I got Albert Odyssey, Panzer Dragoon, and NiGHTS into Dreams for Sega Saturn. I also got clothes, car stuff, and other little things. I used some of the money to buy a VG Pocket Caplet, which is pretty cool. :)
I got:-
a nintendo wii with red steel and zelda and wii play and an extra nunchuck and a classic remote.
2 circular tins filled with terry's chocolate orange segments
A tub of white chocolate cups
A cd i already had
and £80 from my grandparents.

My bro got:-
an xbox360(premium pack) with PGR3, Saints Row, Prey and Tony Hawks Project 8 and an extra wireless controller
a circular tin of cadbury's roses
A tub of white chocolate cups.
and £80

Since xmas, I have bought myself Family Guy season 5 on dvd and Rayman and Marvel Ultimate Alliance on wii. My bro has bought Just Cause, Oblivion and Call of Duty 3 on 360
Squidge posted on Dec 26 2006 at 11:46 AM said:
Have any of you with wii's managed to throw the remote control through the tv yet (as reported by some media)
I haven't done that, but I have managed to hit a dog around the face when it tried to attack the remote when I was playing wii tennis, and my sister got in the way and got hit round the head :S.

I got:
A wii with Zelda
A Gamecube controller
A watch
FFXII ( that Princess Ashe needs a good slapping)
A Keyboard sustain pedal
some other crap
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