The Most Annoying Thing On The Roads?


"Very" Old Timer
Jan 31, 2004
My pet hate is Scooters. Not traditional scooters like Vespas or Lambrettas. I mean the new shiny, crappy little moped scooters.

Well TBH it's not the scooters it's the bloody riders. They ride like total nutters. Screaming past at 28 MPH possibly hitting 32 downhill. It doesn't sound dangerous until you realise the rest of the traffic is only doing 15 - 20 MPH.
I ride a 600cc Motorcycle and I often can't keep up with them while commuting because they ride down the outside of traffic with no regard for other road users. I could tell you so many horror stories about the damn things. Grrrrr! I hate them.
finty101 posted on Dec 17 2004 at 09:34 PM said:
I strongly agree. Plus you look like a fucking chav twat on one.
uhu, it's the first investment usually before the modded car. "innit"
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It's a wonder they don't glue a cap to their helmet (crash helmet you pervs!). After all we did have that daft fluffy ears craze that I managed to avoid a year or two ago :)
HEY! I´m riding a Scooter (if i´m not driving our Cars, that is). Im riding a VESPA ET2 50, which is allowed to drive 45 km/h (which is stupid, as the speed-limit inside cities is 50 km/h. We won it, that´s the only reason I drive it. We would never have bought one, so......... The weird thing is, that it drove 60 km/h from the begining. However, i drive by all traffic-rules (except for the speed-limit). I would never try to overtake a car (well, I did once, but that bastard was riding 30 where 50 was allowed and other cars drive with 80 :P ), or do any other shit that would be against the rules (going pas standing cars etc.) simply because I enjoy living and prefer it to beeing death.
Go to Paris and you will see Millions of idiot Scooter Drivers :P... I guess atleast 1 person a day has to die on a scooter in Paris, they are insane on them... the just pull out infront of cars, cut in right infront of cars, drive on the paths etc etc...

Also crossing roads in Paris is a bitch... the cars dont stop untill you actually step off the path onto the road / crossing... Its like that story out of the Bible (Or where ever its from) where that guy seperated the river to make a path but instead of water it was about 5 lanes of traffic flying by at 40 - 50 mph....
You are probably right but judging from the scooters in Britain only about 1 in 100 is ridden by anyone with more than two brain cells to rub together.
Dozer posted on Dec 21 2004 at 10:48 PM said:
Me and my mate were followed along the path by a guy in a mini the other day  :blink:.

I knew it was a bad idea to remake The Italian Job. ;)
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The most annoying thing on the road in America: Bicyclers.

Where I live you'd see one every day and the speed they go is about 15-20 miles and their almost impossible to pass so they shouldn't be as bad as guys on mopeds going too fast... but I don't drive so I may be wrong...
the other day i saw a suv take out a person on a bike
it was the funniest thing i have ever seen
it was at a red light