My "unlimited" Internet is 500MB, I think you'll find all providers set these artificial caps and don't tell anybody. Anyway, what good mobile plan comes with an iPhone?
My "unlimited" Internet is 500MB, I think you'll find all providers set these artificial caps and don't tell anybody. Anyway, what good mobile plan comes with an iPhone?
I'm more than happy with the plan I have, with 30% off (Thanks to the John Lewis discount)the price. With a truly unlimited internet usage policy (trust me, my house has been devoid of the internet for a month and a half, my iphone has been my main browser).
Umm, I did? How else would I know what my limit is... As I said, I don't have to have an iPhone for it either. Browsing is hardly going to push you over a reasonably high fair use limit, and especially if you've only been doing it for a month and a half.