The Greatest Gp2x Joystick Mod Ever

Miika said:
Pterodactyl? What's that?
Yeah, the Competition Pro was broken already so why not.

somesite said:
This prehistoric animal was a flying reptile. When dinosaurs ruled on land, Pterodactyls ruled the skies. A Pterodactyl had some hollow bones, much like a bird's bones. But a Pterodactyl was not a bird, because all birds have feathers and a Pterodactyl had no feathers. It didn't fly like a bird either. Instead, it soared off cliffs or trees, then glided on warm air currents rising from land or water below.
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somesite said:
This prehistoric animal was a flying reptile. When dinosaurs ruled on land, Pterodactyls ruled the skies. A Pterodactyl had some hollow bones, much like a bird's bones. But a Pterodactyl was not a bird, because all birds have feathers and a Pterodactyl had no feathers. It didn't fly like a bird either. Instead, it soared off cliffs or trees, then glided on warm air currents rising from land or water below.
If a pterodactyl coudn't fly - in the sense that it couldn't get its own self airborne, but rather was a glider, like a flying squirrel, that exclusively jumps out of trees to become airborne - then what in the world did it do if it ever landed on low ground? I mean, how could such an ungainly creature, certainly not an effective land mover with that frame, ever get itself back up to "the tops of cliffs or trees"?

It would seem that a pterodactyl had to live its entire life gliding from one high point to the next - if it ever failed to land on a high spot again, it was screwed, no?

Oh well. Just thinking. (The ultimate OT comment, I know.)
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