The Gp2xmess

Mar 19, 2006
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Hello. I am a newbie, and I would like to extend greetings and hello to everyone. Here is the problem. I downloaded the bios files from this place ** LINK REMOVED -- SOMEONE DIDN'T READ THE RULES ** I kept the correct name and I went to play oregon trail carmen sandiego etc. and each time that I try to play, it resets and puts me back at the fist selection screen. I have installed sdl, and I have tested the games on mess and they work, but I keep getting thrown off. If someone could help me I sure would be greatful. Thanks in advance, Alterdimension
Is this game for apple II ?
I think your problem could be a simple folder or name issue.
Try to read again the provided text file
i.e. "All needed bios zip files should be placed in the bios subdirectory which should have been provided and empty in the gp2xmess package. Do *NOT* unzip them. Just place the zip file for the BIOS in the bios directory. The BIOS zip file itself has to be the same name as the driver you are trying to run. If you are unsure of the driver name the .gpe launcher is always named the same."

Hope this help, but if not, give us some more details about your config.
Hey all. I need to know the folder names including where to put the roms for gp2xmess for apple IIe.That may be my problem like you said before. I put the bios under bios, tell me what you did to make it work. Thanks in advance, alterdimension
I use Gp2xmess for coleco and 7800 emulation.
So here's my config and tree for those emu :


Then I putted all my roms in the "romz" directory I've created.
There's a menu, so you couldn't be wrong.
i.e. ... [romz]/[7800]/ --All my roms--

again, just to be sure, your bioses must be zipped !
But I don't have any aplle IIe roms, so perhaps it's just an emulation problem.
The readme says : "Your best bet for compatibility is to try the 2e and 2c drivers first"
I tried everything, but I think its an emulator problem. Thanks for all your help guys You guys are the greatest. See you later. -alterdimension
Hi there,

Does the reset happen w/ other games besides Carmen Sandiego? My guess is no since you get to the point where the A2 boots, which means your BIOS is OK. Make sure your images aren't zipped as someone mentioned. I will try this game out when I get a free moment.


alterdimension posted on Mar 19 2006 at 11:26 AM said:
Hey all. I need to know the folder names including where to put the roms for gp2xmess for apple IIe.That may be my problem like you said before. I put the bios under bios, tell me what you did to make it work. Thanks in advance, alterdimension

You can stick the roms anywhere you'd like. There are no rules. You just use the file selection dialog to traverse to where you've stored them. The BIOS files however have to be in the bios directory which should be in the zip file.

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Just to add to this.. I've also tried to get the apple 2 emulators working, but it's all no go. As soon as i select the apple2 gpe, it displays a black screen, then boots me back to the gp2x menu. I've also ran it under telnet, and no errors are thrown out. Curiously, if I then press 'x' on the gp2x menu, it displays output on the telnet connection as if the emulator was still running, when it isn't. Very strange.

Anyone have any hope for this? I really want to play the Wizardry series :-(
Just to add to this.. I've also tried to get the apple 2 emulators working, but it's all no go. As soon as i select the apple2 gpe, it displays a black screen, then boots me back to the gp2x menu. I've also ran it under telnet, and no errors are thrown out. Curiously, if I then press 'x' on the gp2x menu, it displays output on the telnet connection as if the emulator was still running, when it isn't. Very strange.

Anyone have any hope for this? I really want to play the Wizardry series :-(

Hi there,

Just wanted to follow up this post since it has been determined so far that for a lot of folks the issue has been the wrong apple BIOS. Please make sure you have the right one.

I might just have to add the abibility to detect this and put up a dialog or something. It seems to come up quite often.

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Fat Agnus said:
No luck on running the Apple2e either. does anyone have a video of it running?
I guess I'm reviving a dead thread here, but I didn't have much trouble getting Apple //e and Apple //c emulation working. I mainly wanted to play Wizardry I, but there is a problem there: you need to write protect the boot disk in order to play. There doesn't appear to be an option for that - even in the unix version - and I'm not too interested in diving into the code right now.

For Wizardry I-III anyway, you are better off using DrPocketSNES to emulate the Japanese (but with options to turn most things into English) Wizardry I-III SNES collection. I've got a post about running Wizardry I under SNES emulation on the GP2X on my blog.

I'm still glad that I got Apple // emulation working though, because I plan to go back and revisit Wasteland eventually. I might even look into setting up a config to remap keys to make it playing without the virtual keyboard, or doing some code diving in specific for that game. It is great to play the GP2X on the subway commute to work.
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FuguTabetai said:
Fat Agnus said:
No luck on running the Apple2e either. does anyone have a video of it running?
I guess I'm reviving a dead thread here, but I didn't have much trouble getting Apple //e and Apple //c emulation working. I mainly wanted to play Wizardry I, but there is a problem there: you need to write protect the boot disk in order to play. There doesn't appear to be an option for that - even in the unix version - and I'm not too interested in diving into the code right now.

For Wizardry I-III anyway, you are better off using DrPocketSNES to emulate the Japanese (but with options to turn most things into English) Wizardry I-III SNES collection. I've got a post about running Wizardry I under SNES emulation on the GP2X on my blog.

I'm still glad that I got Apple // emulation working though, because I plan to go back and revisit Wasteland eventually. I might even look into setting up a config to remap keys to make it playing without the virtual keyboard, or doing some code diving in specific for that game. It is great to play the GP2X on the subway commute to work.

Hmm, if the file system flags are honored by gp2xmess (can't say I've checked this) you could just do a chmod +w <disk image>.

I haven't tried this myself, and for all I know gp2xmess has it's own way of dealing w/ writable disk images.

Glad you are enjoying the a2 emulation. I hope someday it can even be faster.

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telengard said:
Hmm, if the file system flags are honored by gp2xmess (can't say I've checked this) you could just do a chmod +w <disk image>.

I haven't tried this myself, and for all I know gp2xmess has it's own way of dealing w/ writable disk images.

Glad you are enjoying the a2 emulation. I hope someday it can even be faster.

I'll tell you, it was a thing of beauty when I got the Wizardry I boot disk starting animation. The first computer I used (and programmed on, first basic then pascal) was a //e, so I'm really happy to have a pocket //e to carry around.

I don't know about the write protect stuff either, but it is something I might look at in more detail when I get through Wizardry I-III. I vaguely remember that Wasteland made you write protect one of the disks too, so that will be something I'm interested in getting checked out. If worst comes to worst, I'm a reasonably competent programmer myself, so I'll start grepping the code and taking a look around.

Thanks for porting mess to the gp2x though, it's really great.
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