Update The GMU Music Player 0.10.1


Very Active Member
Jun 1, 2004
The GMU Music Player 0.10.1

Gmu is a music player application. It was initially developed for the
GP2X handheld, but has since then been adapted to run on a variety of
other devices, including ordinary computers and lots of handheld

Gmu is built in a modular way and supports various frontends and
decoders for supports of different user interfaces and file formats
Gmu's most used frontend is the SDL based frontend which gives the user
a graphical user interface optimized for control through buttons.
Besides that, Gmu comes with a webfrontend which allow Gmu to be
controlled through a web browser both locally and remotely. There is
also a command line tool for controlling Gmu through a terminal, again
both locally and remotely.
Supported audio formats include MP3, MP2, Ogg Vorbis, Speex, Ogg Opus,
FLAC, Musepack, WavPack and lots of module formats through different module
decoder libraries (ranging from MikMod for devices with low end CPUs to
OpenMPT for devices with a more capable CPU delivering a higher quality).


- Initial release.
- Fixed gmuinput.pandora.conf enumeration, fixing (A) and (B) buttons not working.
- Sources included in src folder.
- Changed call to gmu.pandora.conf to gmu.conf on start.sh script. Fixes remember last track played among other things.

Known problems:
- It uses OSS, Bluetooth headsets will not work.
- Can't hide cursor, SDL_ShowCursor 0 doesn't have any effect.

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Best player ever! I love hearing Audiobooks, and this player does that without any flaw. The fancy other ones might do a lot of things better, but in this category there is no better player ever.

There are some things that won´t work with your implementation. The first use screen is always shown, gmu won´t remember that I want to use continue as play mode and the last track I used. I am not sure why this is so, will investigate that and try to tell you what I did find out.
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I did notice the play mode not being stored too, but it's true last track used works with 0.9.1.

Looking at the config files, they are a bit different from previous version, but i don't think the default configuration i did has anything to do.

I will do more test with config files and see what happens too.
Best player ever! I love hearing Audiobooks, and this player does that without any flaw. The fancy other ones might do a lot of things better, but in this category there is no better player ever.
What does it do better than the other players?
- Changed call to gmu.pandora.conf to gmu.conf on start.sh script. Fixes remember last track played among other things.
What does it do better than the other players?

The GUI uses very few resources, but playback is still more or less the same with CPU and memory usage.

With Musepack (compilation seems broken when i tried), Game Music Emu and libsidplayfp it would be a bit better.
remember last track
Same on Rockbox, where it remembers the position when you press "select" to exit, but when starting again it requires 3 key presses to actually continue... (or touching the screen once at an exact position, which is hard while doing other things, like driving a truck)

peeked my curiosity... downloading to check it out...
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Hi sry didn´t read your question. But here are my opinions why gmu is better than other Players:

1. with lock, there is no chance that you accidentally change tracks etc.
2. very very low profile, I use the cpuspeed file and 200 MHz is more than enough. I hear about 3-4 hours a day and charge my pandora about every 1,5 weeks
3. the order of the mp3 files is almost every time right. So just press (Y) at the folder where your audiobook lies and with 97% chance all is well.
4. No need of touchscreen or mouse.
5. you can have that fancy stuff, songtext etc.. but I don´t need / want that. Just pure files and it works as it should.
- Changed call to gmu.pandora.conf to gmu.conf on start.sh script. Fixes remember last track played among other things.

Sry but it does not, at least not on my pandora, but i will remove everything and install fresh once again, maybe it is my fault.

/* Edit: Did a complete new installation, but it won´t start from the last played track or remember the position, sry.
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Known problems:
- It uses OSS, Bluetooth headsets will not work.
While Gmu can use OSS to control the sound device's mixer, this is entirely optional. The actual audio output is done through SDL, so it should be able to use whatever audio backend is available on the system and supported by SDL, e.g. ALSA. So in theory it should be possible to use Bluetooth headsets if they otherwise work on the device. The only thing that won't work is the hardware mixer in that case, but Bluetooth devices often lack a mixer anyway and Gmu can always fall back to controling the volume in software. SDL has a couple of environment variables to tell it to use a non-default configuration for the audio device.

The issue with Gmu not remembering its settings was usually caused by the PND system failing to override config files that are already in a PND. So it is not really an issue with Gmu itself, but rather how the PND filesystem overlay thing works (or in this case doesn't work). One way to fix this would be to not include the config file with that name in the PND, but rather create a copy when Gmu is run for the first time (or if that file does not exist). This can be accomplished from a shell script without the need to modify Gmu's source code.

Thanks for creating a PND of the latest Gmu. I didn't have the time to do so myself, so I appreciate you doing it. :)
Still those problems I adressed where not solved :( But I can use the older version as well. If you got the time, maybe you can fix it.
SDL has a couple of environment variables to tell it to use a non-default configuration for the audio device.

On start.sh script, i tried with "export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=alsa", but log doesn't say if it's using OSS or ALSA.
Maybe using AUDIODEV or SDL_PATH_DSP but i don't know what value i need to set to force the use of ALSA.

The issue with Gmu not remembering its settings was usually caused by the PND system failing to override config files that are already in a PND. So it is not really an issue with Gmu itself, but rather how the PND filesystem overlay thing works (or in this case doesn't work). One way to fix this would be to not include the config file with that name in the PND, but rather create a copy when Gmu is run for the first time (or if that file does not exist). This can be accomplished from a shell script without the need to modify Gmu's source code.

I always do a default configuration, so the first time the user starts the program, it makes the config folder, and then it does a copy of the config file/s from the init folder. Those would be inside the corresponding appdata/gmu folder, outside of the PND so they can be edited.

Settings are saved, but it doesn't restore some, for some weird reason.

Still those problems I adressed where not solved :( But I can use the older version as well. If you got the time, maybe you can fix it.

It remembers the last track, at least for me, but not the position on the song or random+repeat becomes random after next start.

Could you post the contents of your pndrun_gmu.out located at /tmp folder?
If would be great to see gmu.conf contents located at appdata/gmu folder too.
On start.sh script, i tried with "export SDL_AUDIODRIVER=alsa", but log doesn't say if it's using OSS or ALSA.
Maybe using AUDIODEV or SDL_PATH_DSP but i don't know what value i need to set to force the use of ALSA.
SDL should prefer ALSA over OSS if both are available. So you shouldn't need to set that explicitly, unless you want to use a non-default device (such as your Bluetooth device).
In that case, you need to set both the driver and the device, e.g. SDL_AUDIODRIVER="alsa" AUDIODEV="hw:1,0". The syntax of the AUDIODEV value depends on the selected driver. For OSS that would be something like "/dev/dsp1" and for ALSA you have to use the ALSA device syntax, e.g. "hw:1,0" or "plug:dmix" etc.

I always do a default configuration, so the first time the user starts the program, it makes the config folder, and then it does a copy of the config file/s from the init folder. Those would be inside the corresponding appdata/gmu folder, outside of the PND so they can be edited.

Settings are saved, but it doesn't restore some, for some weird reason.
That's really weird. I would have to look into that myself. I haven't experienced anything like that. If Gmu can write its config file, it should be able to save all settings (since they are all stored in the same file).

It remembers the last track, at least for me, but not the position on the song or random+repeat becomes random after next start.

Could you post the contents of your pndrun_gmu.out located at /tmp folder?
If would be great to see gmu.conf contents located at appdata/gmu folder too.
That's really strange. Log output could be helpful here. As for the song's position, there are cases where Gmu won't be able to restore it, but that's only the case if the audio file/stream is not seekable. MP3 and Ogg Vorbis files should always be seekable (if they are local files, internet streams aren't seekable of course).
No idea about the playmode thing.
Hi there,
I tried with ext2 and with fat32 he won´t store the last position at all. Here is the pndrun_out. Let me know if you need anything else.

