The 50 best free PC games.

AFAICT (nearly) 50 games that will only run on the mythical X86WinDora 2.

With so many amazing games available entirely for free I have absolutely no idea why PC piracy is even a thing.
AFAICT (nearly) 50 games that will only run on the mythical X86WinDora 2.

I see couples have already been ported to Pandora.  Can the rest be ported to pandora and run well assuming source codes are available?
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^ are they all open-source?
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Search for Win98-Freeware and use QEMU/Wine. :P
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^ are they all open-source?
My non scientific 5 minute sampling of the list linked in the OP resulted in about 30% open source of which 90% use some proprietary framework/construction kit. Of these some are flash and will probably run on a reasonably strong machine.