Thanks to OP


Nov 27, 2010
Rhode Island, USA
I would like to paint a quick picture to underscore how wonderful the Pandora is.

I am sitting in bed with my 1 yo son in my lap, trying to get him to sleep for his morning nap. I am playing some lullaby music for him on my Pandora. (The music, by the way, is not on my SD cards, but on a Windows file server in my house.) I am also playing Scorched Earth on DosBox at the same time, from which I have taken this short break to write this message of thanks (also being done on my Pandora). This machine was well worth the wait.


Dr. Klaw
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I Think the pandora is probably the best prchace ive ever made in my entire life time to date. i would happily give up all of my posetions and still be happy as larry as long as i had a pandora in my hands. Simply outstanding piece of kit
I agree with all the above posts.

This machine has become a daily part of my life.

It is magnificent and a never ending endeavor.

Thank you again OP!!

Thank you to the many devs out there.

Many thanks to all who participate to help others in these forums.

You all make this machine what it is and what it will be!!

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You have Firefly, which is awesome. You however also have Pandora, which is more awesome. (especially because you can watch Firefly on your Pandora)
Defiantly agree with all of the above!

I use mine everyday. Haven't checked the boards in a few months as have been very busy (playing PCSX) Nice to see r10 update. I have been using r8 until today. That one emulator is worth it all in itself to me.
Defiantly agree with all of the above!

I use mine everyday. Haven't checked the boards in a few months as have been very busy (playing PCSX) Nice to see r10 update. I have been using r8 until today. That one emulator is worth it all in itself to me.
r11 is already out :)
Defiantly agree with all of the above!

I use mine everyday. Haven't checked the boards in a few months as have been very busy (playing PCSX) Nice to see r10 update. I have been using r8 until today. That one emulator is worth it all in itself to me.
r11 is already out :)

That guy is a coding genius, you blink and you miss something

Thanks for the heads up.
Yeah, Notaz is a machine for sure. He is probably the main reason I stayed in this community during the GP2X years, and he is for sure the main reason I use my Pandora daily. I really wish we could clone him, and put him to work on all things Pandora. :P

This device is truly amazing due to many others hard work as well. THANKS TO ALL! :D
