TGS 2013 Short Report


Hardcore Member
May 7, 2012
神戸市、日本 (Japan)
First day of TGS done. I will write more about it on Pandoralive, but a few observations:

- the sony keynote was SOOO bad. I mean, it wasnt exciting at all. what were they thinking??

- sony was showing off the ps vita tv thingy connected to a ps4 remotely. MEH. So what?

- most ps4 games on show were crap. drive club looked awful. Deep down was alright but very shallow.

- beyond: two souls was just like another dragons' lair game: pretty but zero interacticity. Cage just keeps doing the same boring stuff over and over again.

- the xbox one titles were not many but there was at least one good one: killer instinct, looking really nice and smooth. Rest was MEH.

- the xboxone controller is pretty good.

- i dont like the ps4 controller: they added tons of useless functions to it and it looks horrible. Especially the new sticks don't feel good at all. The ps3 controller one was much better in that aspect.

- by the way, both consoles be it ps4 or xbox one look DAMN UGLY. Are they competing to make the most shitty looking one? Im not sure who wins there.

- there was no game that impressed me on ps4 or xboxone. at best they look like mid range pc games. Drive club was not even running at 60 fps.

- First year that Capcom had NOTHING to show. apart from the suck-balls Monster Hunter. That was a pathetic showing.

- no third party wiiU games anywhere. Another proof this console is dead wood.

- Sony kept saying they were indie friendly but all they had to show were games that have been on PC for a super long time. Pathetic attempt at convincing people about their platform.

- psycho break from Mikami was not really good looking nor very impressive in the trailer shown. MEH.

- The indie games corner had not much to show either. Lots of crappy games mainly for tablets and phones. 

- Konami was absent.

- Square Enix had nothing much to show but DQ10 on PC was surprising.

- Tecmo Koei were litterally dead. No games to show. 

- Namco Bandai: MEH.

- The girl presenting the xboxone on a big screen needed a notebook to read what she was talking about. COME ON. BE FUCKING PROFESSIONAL. I'm amazed at the level of who they hire to do this kind of jobs.

Overall a very disappointing first day. Nothing stellar and I expected more from both Sony and MS when they release new hardware for the first time in 10 years. 

Consoles used to make people dream.

Not so much now.

I'll post more tomorrow.
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Thx for the report.

Do you have a booth ? Is there some Open Source corner ?
Do you have a booth ? Is there some Open Source corner ?
If I had a booth i wouldnt have been able to see so much in the show :)

No Open Source corner because:

- Japanese dont really know what open source is

- its a Windows/Mac loving market

- Even when people talk about Linux they present it as a free OS, and free as in free beer.

As you can guess from all the products Japanese have produced so far, they love proprietary code and they love re-inventing the wheel every time they do something new.

Thats also the reason why, I think, the Japan IT industry is struggling to compete with more open cultures out there.
That was more or less a rent IMHO ;)

But it's ok, it's more or less how I feel about the game-industry by now. Not much new, less gameplay, less fun, just better graphics, and as much "give us all your data and the power to let you play only when WE want it" ... err ... I mean: "online community interaction" (of course) as possible.

Maybe I'm just too old by now, but somehow I still play all the old games and the cool stuff we get here on the Pandora, while most mainstream-titles just feel boring and I don't even bother to finish them. Only exception was Driver San Francisco, but that's probably because I love cars and the kind of movies you basically get to play in the game.
Thanks for the comments ekianjo, as it's good to hear direct from someone in the community. 

I personally thought the DS4 is Sony's best controller to date, as it fits the hands better, and has been their first major revision since the start. I do agree, it has a lot of crap that isn't really necessary, but it didn't loose points in those areas, as I really can't say how well they may add to the gaming experience over time.

The new Xbox controller is the clear winner for sure, as it just felt like "quality" in your hands, the DS4 feels a little cheap in comparison.

No new WiiU games is no surprise to anyone but blind fanboys. Since the N64, "N" consoles can only really be depended on to have great 1st party games, and anything else is a crap shoot.

Sadly, Capcom is in a similar situation to "N", in that they have no clue where they should be leading their company at this point, but they better decide quickly, as public opinions are only getting worse and I don't see any saving graces on the horizon.

WOW, sounds like TGS was a huge turd this year, but I wasn't expecting anything really, so no disappointment for me personally.

Right now in line at tgs for a quick fifa game on xboxone. I played a lot of other games today and i have to say the xboxone controller really is excellent. The ps4 controller is clearly one level below and again the ds4 sticks are just average.