It was more a "beagle-side-project" not a big one and not for the Pandora at first. So it is not really documented.
Have find any old "hand notes". I use UART3_RX in my test solution. TX I not use.
Have wrote something like "peak-stable < 3V" but I have not note where I find this information.
I note a 2,68V peak for a very small time. I have not noted why I use the 3,3V PIN to power the GPS breakout. Normally it is a output PIN.
The peak I have confirm yesterday.
Most of the time the voltage is 1,12V
More informations I not have, sorry.
Have "play around" with my "gps solution" in RISC OS...
Is working.
Have record a track with SatNav and take it to RISC OSM...
... Now I use SatNav and RiscOSM with this track to drive at home... any screenshots...
... not a real navigation but an orientation ;-)
For geocaching it works fine
Is hobby. Nobody will pay a real price and for nothing I will not work.
I can offer the 3D printed stuff for a "self cost price"+postage... but it take some time, because it is hobby... a never ending circle