Terranigma, Sonic Ss Problems


Jan 5, 2004
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i got several problems. The first is regarding Terranigma (German)/Os9xGP:

I played it a few days on my GP, and I am now in a cave, where im supossed to battle a big fish (at least that´s what stands in the walkthrough). But when i try to enter the boss room, the screen goes all red, and the game freezes. I can still enter os9xgp menu, and I tried to mess around in the Hack menu, with no succes. Now I would like to get that savestate (im only using savestates) from my SMC to load it with a PC emulator, fight that boss, and put it back on. Is there a way to do this? I tried to rename it .zst (for ZNES) and .000 (for SNES9x), but both didn´t work. Now, is there some converter/unzipper so i can use os9xgp savestates in a pc emulator?

second problem is regarding Sonic Special Stages/fGEN32

when i try to load that game, i get a screen with Sonic and knuckles and other characters on it, and i can see a scrolling text saying "No way? No way! No way!". I tried messing with the Game Menu (country setting), but no succes. Is this some sort of copy-protection, or is this due to the missing z80 emulation of fGEN32?

btw: im using os9xgp 0.2 and the public fGen build with the fixed spalshscreen
Horscht posted on Jul 4 2004 at 04:11 PM said:
second problem is regarding Sonic Special Stages/fGEN32

when i try to load that game, i get a screen with Sonic and knuckles and other characters on it, and i can see a scrolling text saying "No way? No way! No way!". I tried messing with the Game Menu (country setting), but no succes. Is this some sort of copy-protection, or is this due to the missing z80 emulation of fGEN32?

btw: im using os9xgp 0.2 and the public fGen build with the fixed spalshscreen
its meant to be like that (or at least it is on my actual mega drive) you just have to push some buttons. im guessing theres a combination but random button bashing should do the trick
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For Sonic Special Stages (aka Sonic 1 & Knuckles) Press A, B, C (or in Fgens case A, B & Select) together...
played it a few days on my GP, and I am now in a cave, where im supossed to battle a big fish (at least that´s what stands in the walkthrough). But when i try to enter the boss room, the screen goes all red, and the game freezes. I can still enter os9xgp menu, and I tried to mess around in the Hack menu, with no succes. Now I would like to get that savestate (im only using savestates) from my SMC to load it with a PC emulator, fight that boss, and put it back on. Is there a way to do this? I tried to rename it .zst (for ZNES) and .000 (for SNES9x), but both didn´t work. Now, is there some converter/unzipper so i can use os9xgp savestates in a pc emulator?

I don't think you can use OpenSNES9x's save states with ZSNES, but you CAN use ZSNES's save states with OpenSNES9x. I think you'll have to use SRAM data (which is usually universal), load that up in ZSNES, and save state in the boss room (though for good measure, I would beat the boss and save state after him).
Someone should make a sort of sync program for save files, so that when you use PC-Link or something, it'll check where your saves are and update them on the computer if they're newer. Then, when you get home, hook up your GP32, and continue whatever game you were playing on your comp. Would something like this work if the GP32 doesn't date its files? Maybe there could be some sort of comparison... Or you could just choose what to update, the computer or the GP32, per savefile.
Heyhey, i soved the problem with Terranigma! I just went off and downloaded os9xGP 0.1 (the 15day compo version), and it went fine. I finished off the enemies (Starfishes) and saved again outside and now i play with 0.2 again, but still having 0.1 on my HDD, in case something like that ever happens again.