Termula (please Try)


Mega GP Mania
May 30, 2006
Detroit, Michigan
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Ok i grabbed the termula source im hoping we can use it to log what the problem is with things that arnt running.
My wiz is down for the moment do I need someone to try it.


(To the original author, its not my intention to release this, but I need a tool for everyone to log things from console, termula was the best option I can think of)
I can see the Termula screen for a few seconds but then the program crashes to desktop.
Look here.

oh thanks! It will surely be useful.

Is there a way to have usb networking on the wiz? like running things via telnet and such.. that will be the best way to debug.
I even don't know if the console currently support it or it's only for file transfer... I remind the old F-100 to have such feature, but the F-200 wasn't able to do it anymore...
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The Wiz supports USB network but there are afaik problems with the driver at the moment...
awwwwww :( lame GPH... not only they haven't released a proper SDK, but even a simple method to debug your apps... -_- it feels just like programming on a cracked console
sbock sadly i never did anything like that before, and it's a bit confusing for me, basically i have to solder something on an ext cable, then put a serial on the other end? (if i don't manage to find a cable that already has the right connector )

Will i need to use a VirtualBox with linux to get the output or it can run on windows in some other way?

I'll try to search a Samsung 810 cable somewhere... seems the easiest way...

usb networking would be a dream :(
Will i need to use a VirtualBox with linux to get the output or it can run on windows in some other way?

Hyperterm will work, too.

I'll try to search a Samsung 810 cable somewhere...

Yeah, the RS232 level shifter is included in this solution. You only need to resolder the EXT connector.