Tekken 3 for PS

Thanks for the update notaz. Sounds like your on your way to getting it figured out and adding another awesome feature to your great emu B) How on earth do you find the time :)
Chances are those things will be faster in next version, but we'll see.

On the light gun topic, I sent notaz my PS1 guns awhile back and he's hoping to be able to implement light gun/touchscreen useage for PSX-ReARMed in future if he can figure it out, so perhaps a few TimeCrisis/Pointblank type titles will eventually be possible with stylus/TV Out.
I've visited my parents and played with that on one of their CRT TVs during the weekend. The Guncon protocol (Time Crisis, etc) seems to be simple enough, but I failed to dump meaningful data in the justifier mode. An open source input plugin with gun support has surfaced not so long ago, hopefully it will help to figure out missing parts.
Glad to hear that there is going to be a next version. Is there anyway you could add a setting to manually set the frameskip? I wouldn't mind forcing a high frameskip to get a boost in speed.

Using the touchscreen as a light gun sounds boring as hell.... It would simply be a point and click adventure...
Is there anyway you could add a setting to manually set the frameskip? I wouldn't mind forcing a high frameskip to get a boost in speed.
Skipping more won't help you here, PSX games normally run at 20-30fps, with current frameskip it will drop to 10-15fps as needed, with more you'll get 6-10fps which I don't think many consider playable.
actually it works really well if you change the gpu plugin to the custom one
Mind elaborating? I tried all the plugins and noticed absolutely no increase in performance.

I don't have my pandy handy (hehe that rhymes) so I can't give you the exact name, but one of the GPUs is described in the readme as faster but buggier... that one worked perfectly with tekken 3. However the music is still horribly laggy so you're better off disabling that.
Huh.. I'll mess around with the plugins more later tonight. I don't have time at the moment. If you get the chance if you could tell me which settings you are using and what FPS you are getting I'd appreciate it :) .

With r6 and 1050mhz I can get it running 55-60fps most of the time which is totally playable! Yay! But I was wondering, notaz, are there any of the compatibility settings that could squeeze out another 1or2 fps? I've experimented with a few, but they haven't helped.

Also, out of curiosity, why is r6 faster than r8??