T-Mobile "pulse" - Google Android Handset (Huawei U8220) - Ama

(naw)mcx said:
UPDATE: Got the phone all modded, near stock android ROM, etc.

Really quick.

Piece of piss to type on.

Don't take your first impressions with this phone, you'll miss so much!

I take it you put the MCR Modaco rom on it?. They're great, aren't they!. I'm currently learning Java on my Mac, and writing software with the Android SDK :). I think I'll sell this on, and buy a... "DROIIIIIIDDDDDD" :D
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defectivebydesign said:
(naw)mcx said:
UPDATE: Got the phone all modded, near stock android ROM, etc.

Really quick.

Piece of piss to type on.

Don't take your first impressions with this phone, you'll miss so much!

I take it you put the MCR Modaco rom on it?. They're great, aren't they!. I'm currently learning Java on my Mac, and writing software with the Android SDK :) . I think I'll sell this on, and buy a... "DROIIIIIIDDDDDD" :D

They are amazing! I miss the black and purple though D:

Good luck with the Java :)
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I unlocked my Pulse from T-Mobile, put it on Orange (as the calls are cheaper), and then decided to go back to T-Mobile for there offer of 6-months internet access for a fixed fee. It's not perfect, but there definition of "Unlimited internet" is much better than what Orange quoted me - 1GB compared to 50MB, and the later charges you per KB if you exceed that 50MB cap.

Before I spend the cash however (it's not due until the end of January apparently, due to the mandatory topup this month when I bought the phone), has anyone found something better/cheaper for a data connection? I'm going to be charged £20 for 6 months.
defectivebydesign said:
CUPC4KES said:
SkuLL said:
CUPC4KES said:
i cant even find this htc on the t-mobile site, i can upgrade after 25th of dec, im with 3 and they want 35 a month for the hero, i dont want to pay that much.

It may be listed under the name T-Mobile G2 Touch (http://www.t-mobile.co.uk/shop/mobile-phones/phones/pay-monthly/t-mobile/g2-touch/overview/)

Very sleek looking phone, build quality felt excellent when I was in the shop yesterday. If I go android with my next phone while this current generation of android handsets are out, this will be my phone (If I can get hold of it on PAYG)
i went with the nokia n86 in the end. Im still not totally sold on touch screen only interface.

Nooo!!. Seriously, my friend has had one of these, and has had nothing but trouble with it since day one. Sluggish OS, crashes a lot (Symbian - what do you expect). Absolute piece of trash, as are 99% of the current Nokia range. I'll wait until you come back and tell us about all the issues you're having with it. I'll give you two months before you change it ;) .

no trouble after the first week, my only dissapointment is the 3G service with virgin is a bit hit and miss, im enjoying the ngage 2.0 application thats on the phone, its a comfortable handset to game on, im looking into some emulators for it now.
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defectivebydesign said:
CUPC4KES said:
i went with the nokia n86 in the end. Im still not totally sold on touch screen only interface.

Nooo!!. Seriously, my friend has had one of these, and has had nothing but trouble with it since day one. Sluggish OS, crashes a lot (Symbian - what do you expect). Absolute piece of trash, as are 99% of the current Nokia range. I'll wait until you come back and tell us about all the issues you're having with it. I'll give you two months before you change it ;) .

Your friend is an idiot. I have an E71 and I never have problems with it crashing, and it only really becomes sluggish when I have too many apps running simultaneously. I can't speak for the N86, but my experience with the E71 and the N73 before that was good, I'm willing to bet the problem is the user.

CUPC4KES: There are S60 versions of PicoDrive, GPFCE and Frodo, plus some non-free emulators that can be had for free if you're not worried about "ethics". They control about as well as you'd expect from a phone, but they're worth a download if you have to have emulators. The Tyrian port also plays very well on my E71. I haven't gone looking past those, I don't like gaming without proper controls. S60 isn't a gaming powerhouse but I'm sure you can find a few ways to waste time with it.
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well ive had a few symbian based nokia handsets (6600, 6630, n73, ngage qd, 6220c)and never had a problem with any of them, thanks for the advice about emulators, ive been playing resident evil degeneration which is quite good for a mobile phone game. i know mobiles arent the best things to play games on but on the n86 the sliding front slides both ways, up to use the keypad and down to reveal media/game buttons, turned sideways it works well as a gaming phone, thanks for the help everyone anyway.