Swap file/partition?

Thanks, ended up making a swap file though:

sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/media/EXTREME/swap.swap bs=1M count=512

sudo mkswap /media/EXTREME/swap.swap

Then I added lines to my fstab:

/dev/mmcblk0p1 /media/EXTREME vfat umask=000,auto,rw,user,exec,dev,async 0 0

/media/EXTREME/swap.swap none swap sw 0 0

Hope this helps!
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That approach you described however isn't exactly optimal you know... as it forces the SD card, for whatever reason that is, into Read-Only mode. :mellow:
I didn't follow any guide, I just made a swap file, and my card is still in read and write.

(And yes, I know it is in use because free doesn't say 0 used for swap)