Svorbis Version 0.9c Has Been Released


Certified Guru
May 4, 2004
Hannover, Germany
Bug fixes / changes include:
  • Now compiled with gcc 3.4.1 instead of 3.4.0.
  • also packed with the new b2fxec 0.6beta.
  • config file isn't loaded if > 100k.
  • playlist is written instantly if track change was automatic (end of track).
  • sound driver has been rewritten, hoping the new one will solve some "mysterious" problems. It will probably need a little further tweaking, but this one has already proven some stability.
The new sound driver is the biggest change for months. It has proven some milage already as it played for about four hours yesterday in my office without any problems. This might be the last big step that was necessary for a Version 1.0. If no new errors pop up, there will be only few things left to do, like fine tuning the sound driver.

I also got a report that if a tag contains certain special characters, the GP32 resets. The characters mentioned in the bug report are "á é í ó ú ¡ ¿". I've tried to get in contact the guy who reported the bug, but got no response. Did anyone else notice a behaviour like that? If so, please let me know, so I can get hold of one of those Oggs.

Great job.
sehr gut.

Is the new sounddriver faster, so we could clock to 'bout 100mhz?

Anyways, a GREAT release.
I dont even have an mp3 player anymore on my gp, i encode the ogg straigt to the gp using phodrive. :lol:
cozmic posted on Sep 1 2004 at 12:55 PM said:
Is the new sounddriver faster, so we could clock to 'bout 100mhz?
You could, but the sound will tend to crackle a little more.
Try setting "cpu.mclk=114" in svorbis.ini. It's a shortcut for:
cpu.mclk = 114000000
cpu.divfactor = 0x44021
cpu.clkmode = 2

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Don't you want to make an ogg lib for all like mod lib ?
Oggs are nice for games.

Nice work, thanks ! :)
falken80 posted on Sep 1 2004 at 01:25 PM said:
Don't you want to make an ogg lib for all like mod lib ?
Oggs are nice for games.
It's on the way, but don't put your expectations too high. To decode Oggs you'll need a lot of the available CPU power and worse than that almost everything of the bus bandwidth. IF you use too much bus bandwidth, you will encounter the legendary GP32 sound bug. You might get lucky with 22050 or 11025 hz Oggs, but 44100 will be out of league for a game soundtrack. But the api is quite nice, you'll just need four calls for decoding: open file with GpFileOpen(), pass the filehandle via ov_open(), read the decoded data via ov_read() in a loop and to close the file and clean up call ov_clear(). That's all. The library which will be called GpTremor will be released soon (this month, I hope). If you can't wait, the lib is also included in SvOrbis in a separate directory, so using it for an own game/player/whatever won't be hard.

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Nice nice !!!

I can wait.. but i'm reading this cuurrent tremor lib.
Very interresting !

Yeah this legendary Sound bug is very.... argh ^^

OK thanks.
Continue your good work.
Protoss posted on Sep 3 2004 at 01:02 AM said:
Nice program Svolli. Only request is a new gui, I don't like the text gui at all. Its too wierd :S I love the program, you inspired me to convert all my music to oggs :D
yup, i still use yogg because it just looks better, i know your player is better but i just can't get used to those letters
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i've had a few files which had the characters ä and ö in them, and what happened is that the player stopped scanning the files at that character. so it would display something like "Mhonolink - A1- F" as the tag and wouldn't print any characters on the screen after that, and also doesn't react to keypresses, so i have to reboot and rename/delete the files.
Protoss said:
Only request is a new gui, I don't like the text gui at all.
Fire_Blade said:
yup, i still use yogg because it just looks better, i know your player is better but i just can't get used to those letters
If you can't get used to those letters, you can always provide your own. I can help you on putting those in the right format. They'll have to be 8x8 pixels though. If you know a C64 game with characters you like in it, let me know and I'll try to rip them out. And if you don't like the gui at all you're always free to code your own. The design is rather modular, so you can reuse most of the SvOrbis code.
synkro said:
sometime when I want to skip a song, it skips more than one, am I the only one with that?
Nope. Happens to me sometimes as well. I'll put it on my bugfix list. There should be some kind of solution in the next release.
jegHeg said:
i've had a few files which had the characters ä and ö in them, and what happened is that the player stopped scanning the files at that character. so it would display something like "Mhonolink - A1- F" as the tag and wouldn't print any characters on the screen after that, and also doesn't react to keypresses, so i have to reboot and rename/delete the files.
That's definitely a bug. The plan was that the should have been replaced with empty spaces. Big problem there is that there is more than one way to encode umlauts like ä and ö. Could you please give me one of those player-crashing oggs. If it's too big, then create a file with like 15 seconds of sound and the tags that crash the player.

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All characters are 8x8 pixels and one color only. Send me in a bmp or gif that contains all characters from 32 up to 127 that looks like this:
| !"#$%&'()*+,-./|
|pqrstuvwxyz{|}~ |
and I'll take care of the rest. The picture should be 128x48 pixels in size (16x6 characters). Would that be ok for you?

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Ok I keep having this problem where I turn off SVorbis, and when I try to start it again, it resets my GP. Only thing I do to get it to work is to open svorbis.ini and resave it. Is it something to do with me shutting it off without unlocking it? Or if it's just a bug, got a workaround for now? Oh and I have only been using your player :D I found to deal with the text screen, since it takes less power from my batteries. And has anyone found some workaround for the short filename support? That is probably my most requested feature. Makes it much easier to tell songs apart!
Ok Now I've Tried Everything and it still wont run! It reboots everytime :'( I want SvOrbis back!!

Thnx, Protoss
First guess is that your SMC is full. When SvOrbis saves it's states it only can save the first 'half' of the data, and while trying to access the second half the GP32 resets. It has nothing to do with shutting off without unlocking (I do this all the time). I have an idea about the long filenames. I'll take a look at it after the 1.0 release, but this could be more of a problem of conflicting licenses but a technical one.
