Super Nes,nes,genesis,xbox360...


Active Member
Apr 19, 2008
CANADA, Montreal
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im selling : lufia fortress of doom 30$, shining force 30$, breath of fire 30$ illusion of gaia complete box+manual and a printed high quality colors of the original map and monster list 35$, Cobra triangle complete for nes, my xbox 360 elite 120gb with 2 controller, one genesis model 2 console with 3 controller, controller in great condition, really rare, gp2x wiz +8gb 90$ shipped, Burnout paradise ps3,

OFFER: snes Lufia and the fortress of doom + snes Breath of fire 1(battery is new!) + snes illusion of gaia complete with manual and box + Shining Force Genesis.
All the 4 games shipped for 100$. LOOK my others stuff, you can make me a offer for what you want.
i need your zip code and tell me your country, if youre interested.

im from canada,montreal.

i wait your offer at or pm me or post here. But tell me your country and your zip code or postal code. i want to check the shipping cost before accepting a offer.

i will post SOLD when it sold. AND the nickname of the person that bought each item.

note: i dont sell it on ebay this time. so you have to trust me enough and pay me with paypal. on ebay my id is renejr902 you can check my feedback and i have a great reputation here on gp32x forum. i even sold a gp32 to notaz in the past. Anyway when you bought something with paypal, you are protected by Paypal
