Super Mario Kart


Mar 14, 2007
is it just me, or is vanilla lake just not right on drpocketsnes? it seems the blue outline of the track is completely gone! any way to fix that?! please help i'd appreciate it, i'm sure this is a popular game for the gp2x emulation scene.
I haven't played this game so I can't help you. But does a question like this really need a new thread? There are plenty of snes threads knocking around...

Flame away.
Perhaps you need to enable transparencies, check that, it usually fixes missing niceties.
Nah, fraid thats enabled. I'm surprised such a main game has this issue, just hoping it aint a dodgy rom perhaps? Surely other members play this game?
use SquidgeSnes

enable transhack, auto frameskip, overclock to 250mhz, use craigx's ram timings, 11025hz mono sound, and audio performance hack

it's very playable

using "rear view mirror" on the bottom screen, instead of the map view also increases fps
no iv been playing it fine, im talking about a specific issue, namely vanilla lake not showing the ground tectures properly at all.
If possible i'd like to stay with this emulator.
martymcfly posted on Mar 29 2007 at 04:06 PM said:
no iv been playing it fine, im talking about a specific issue, namely vanilla lake not showing the ground tectures properly at all.
If possible i'd like to stay with this emulator.
Did the SNES ever show ground textures properly? I highly doubt it, it was always a mess of weird pixels on the SNES.

two words: Mode7 :ph34r:
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i looked at a review for mario kart, and it showed that level. Unlike on my gp2x, where it is all white and obstacles are therefore practically invisible, the screenies they had showed a frosted blue central strip, which would make it alot easier to navigate. On the gp2x, with drpocketsnes, the whole thing runs great, apart from this vanilla lake...which is one i really used to like! damn it
I think it's a gamma issue. The blue central strip is there and is clearly visible when the map fades (on the time trial map select screen watch the map as it fades and you'll see it). I think the difference in colour is so slight however that it isn't clearly visible in game - I can just make it out on mine but you have to really study the screen. Unfortunately pocketsnes doesn't have gamma controls (just a brightness control which isn't the same).
Why would it display this way though? On the screenshots iv seen, the difference in colours is very pronounced. White vs icy blue.
You have to remember you are playing an emulation and not the original machine so differences are to be expected. Either try another emulator or just deal with the fact that pocketnes doesn't display it exactly as the original. Can't offer anymore help on this I'm afraid - the only possible solution is if there is another program available for altering gamma (but I'm not sure there is).
yeh but what i mean is the wiki says this game has no issues, what i want is feedback off others to see if they have had this issue.
Just tried Vanilla Lake 1 on PocketSNES for you and it displayed it all white for me, so I just lowered the brightness on the settings menu to about 40 and it looks great to me now.

Edit: You'll probably have to change it back for the other tracks though, and Mario looks like he slept inside a tanning bed :P
Also, it sounds like the screenshots are probably either taken from SNES running on a Windows emulator, OR the GP2X screenshots just show the blue properly when shown on a SVGA monitor This is just a couple possibilities.
Ah well, i mean the rest of the game runs fine, as do countless other games. Just dissapointing thats all, its a good level. I'll prob just use the brightness fix, thanks sidcrazy, shame about its effect on mario etc!
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