Release Streets of Rage Remake


Sarcasm Dispenser
Staff member
Jan 18, 2010
Updated with latest source of bennugd on a production Pyra, Full screen is as of yet is not working, but believe this is an issue with SDL environment on the Pyra currently and not the game itself.

As SoRR is a bit odd with legalities, you will need to source the data files yourself.

Repo Link to the DBP:

For Devs

I Attached my build script and dbp_includes in a tarball in this post, this script will make a functional DBP package after compiling, just copy this into the official bennugd-code source directory.


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Hi all :)

@TrashyMG : thanks for sharing your DBP scripts !

If I understand correctly, a DBP is roughly similar to a PND. It's a "simple" SquashFS with some archive (containing an *.desktop file and a PNG icon) appended to it, plus a Bash script launching the application, right ?

Cheers, Magic Sam
If I understand correctly, a DBP is roughly similar to a PND. It's a "simple" SquashFS with some archive (containing an *.desktop file and a PNG icon) appended to it, plus a Bash script launching the application, right ?
That is essentially the gist of it.
This game is fun on the pyra :) It workes with the new SDL but it works better on not widescreen. I run it via gl4es but Im not sure if that does anything does it run via mesa otherwise? Havent tried the difference.
This game is fun on the pyra :) It workes with the new SDL but it works better on not widescreen. I run it via gl4es but Im not sure if that does anything does it run via mesa otherwise? Havent tried the difference.
Yeah it likely doesn't do anything ,it's a pure software only game. The widescreen mode seems to force a 3x scalar that doesn't perform well. What we likely need is a version of SDL 1.2 that makes use of hardware scaling.