Strange Encounters With Sd Cards


Mar 29, 2005
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Here is my little story ^^

1.) Bought a 1gb Ultra II sandisk from [payed $110]
2.) Sd card formated it to fat32 put some stuff on.
3.) Gp2x froze any time I would put the puppy in.
4.) Tried formatting it with Digi cam, came out with 9gb of corruption every time.
5.) Returned it [ took like 3 weeks.. god dam RMA's] [got back 99.876 with a cheque in the mail ewww because of shipping cost w/e I thought]

6.) Looked on ebay for a new one; instead of using NCIX again. Found a 2gb 50x A-Data for 100$ [cheaper... includes shipping] I thought to myself omfg... Ncix sucks!
7.) Got it 14 days later [the shipping cost was 20$, but they used the 'normal' method and it said 96c on the letter.] Gee he made a huge profit there LOL.
8.) Sd card reader cant read it even though its brand new O.o

Conclusion: Dont buy from ncix :)
Yeah I know that seller. The card prices are super low and the shipping super high. It is a trick. They probably do it to pay less end of auction fees, or to trap those that don't read the whole listing. It would be like selling a 2 gb card for $1.00 and charging $110 for shipping ;)

If it is the same seller (techtoys or something like that) The prices even with the high shipping seem pretty cheap. They have a 4 gb a-data for around $135 with the shipping, not too bad.
DaveC posted on Mar 14 2006 at 09:04 PM said:
Yeah I know that seller.  The card prices are super low and the shipping super high.  It is a trick.  They probably do it to pay less end of auction fees, or to trap those that don't read the whole listing.  It would be like selling a 2 gb card for $1.00 and charging $110 for shipping  ;) 

If it is the same seller (techtoys or something like that)  The prices even with the high shipping seem pretty cheap.  They have a 4 gb a-data for around $135 with the shipping, not too bad.

Yeah... All my prices are in Canadian, Id get a 4gb but I dont need one. My sellers name was fastmemoryman and his 4gb are about there as well.

The lame thing is, today I checked his auctionsand now his 2gb's are selling for like 70$ [inc. shipping] instead UGH! :)

Now that I got my 2gb sd and your cap im all set ^^
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