State of the Open Pandora: a few questions


Still Fresh
Aug 8, 2014

I am new here but from my distance I have been following Pandora history for quite a long time.

I had one of the original pre-orders back in 2008/9 but cancelled it back then because I moved to South America and a console would not have fitted my life style at that time.

Well some things only time can explain (I am also now back in the Old Continent) and now I am very interested again in buying a Pandora 1GHz.

I had a few questions before my purchase is decided and was not sure if this would be the right section to ask them. There is a "Questions" section on off topic but I think this is a little bit Pandora general talk, is it not? :-)

So, I now there is quite a lot of software already avaliable for the system and that the community was and still is a very nice one.

  • I'd like to know about the current state of the device: would you recommend buying it at this time?
  • Is there much active software development for it? (I might develop some tools myself, as I am hobby emulator programmer and rom hacker: mostly SNES stuff)
  • I am in need of a UMPC; This market seems to have imploded by pressure of android tablets, smartphones and 10/11" netbooks.  Does the Pandora fit in? Especifically, can you read PDFs, send e-mails, do basic programming on the move efficiently?
  • I was a bit reluctant because of the screen. Does it feel big enough?
Am eager to hear a few impressions on this!
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  • I'd like to know about the current state of the device: would you recommend buying it at this time?
  • Yes, still the best way of playing games on the go imo, and having all the other features the full Linux PC offers is a great bonus
  • Is there much active software development for it? (I might develop some tools myself, as I am hobby emulator programmer and rom hacker: mostly SNES stuff)
  • Yes, I'd still say so. If you check the repo under recent apps/updates, you'll see the date stamps are regular and recent
  • I am in need of a UMPC; This market seems to have imploded by pressure of android tablets, smartphones and 10/11" netbooks.  Does the Pandora fit in? Especifically, can you read PDFs, send e-mails, do basic programming on the move efficiently?
  • Yes, certainly read PDF and email sending anyway... so long as you have an online connection for the emails of course. Programming I believe so too, though not something I do myself, but there is Code:Blocks which as far as I know, lets you code python and ruby and more. I think some users do this on their Pandora's successfully, but as I say it's not something I personally have experience with, so await others' comment there
  • I was a bit reluctant because of the screen. Does it feel big enough?
  • Yes, I was feeling the same, and on my phones I'm used to a larger screen, but it does feel ok to me. If you planning to do a lot of coding I'm not sure. I do some text editor stuff for webs and I have no problems with it.

The 1GHz is the model I have too btw
I'd like to know about the current state of the device: would you recommend buying it at this time?
until the pyra is out, I would : there is nothing else on the market like it.
Is there much active software development for it? (I might develop some tools myself, as I am hobby emulator programmer and rom hacker: mostly SNES stuff)
PND are released every weeks. Just have a look at the
I am in need of a UMPC; This market seems to have imploded by pressure of android tablets, smartphones and 10/11" netbooks.  Does the Pandora fit in? Especifically, can you read PDFs, send e-mails, do basic programming on the move efficiently?
define efficiently :) the size of the device might be a problem hete. But it's pocketability help a lot here.
I was a bit reluctant because of the screen. Does it feel big enough?
I would say it's a bit small but bearable. I can work with it. Many others do
pandora development is still pretty active!

  • much of recent developments you can read about here
  • if you want to do programming, all the tools are available to do so on the pandora (codeblocks pnd provides a complete environment): compilers, git, IDE, python, a bunch of libraries and much more
  • regarding screensize: if you are used to programming with a mutlimonitor setup you need to reorganize your workflow a bit for the screen size and configure the editor etc to make the most of the pixels available ofcourse, but I got used to it pretty quickly..I am still bit slower programming on the pandora due to keyboard and screensize, so if I am not on the move and feel like hacking a bit I often hook the pandora to a usb keyboard and monitor (using USB video interface)
  • I'd like to know about the current state of the device: would you recommend buying it at this time?
Yes. If you are not sure, buy it second hand. However I would miss every day with it. ;)
  • Is there much active software development for it? (I might develop some tools myself, as I am hobby emulator programmer and rom hacker: mostly SNES stuff)
Just look at the repository, there are updates and new release quite often.
  • I am in need of a UMPC; This market seems to have imploded by pressure of android tablets, smartphones and 10/11" netbooks.  Does the Pandora fit in? Especifically, can you read PDFs, send e-mails, do basic programming on the move efficiently?
It depends, how you define efficiently. If you define it as "like with a full PC": No. There is a reason PCs have much bigger keyboards and a mouse. But a PC you can't carry with you on a train or BUS (execept Netbooks, but the Pandora is more handy). So for me it is efficiently because I can use more sparetimes in buses and train efficiently to develop (with geany), read mails (Sylpheed works pretty well, even with GPG) or read PDFs. ;)

  • I was a bit reluctant because of the screen. Does it feel big enough?
FOr me yes, especially with geany (you can put the toolbar beside the menu). But before I worked most of the time with a asus netbook with 800x480 resolution... So I was used to it.

PS: Written on the Pandora itself. ;)
  • I am in need of a UMPC; This market seems to have imploded by pressure of android tablets, smartphones and 10/11" netbooks.  Does the Pandora fit in? Especifically, can you read PDFs, send e-mails, do basic programming on the move efficiently?
  • I'd say you can program semi-efficently, My hands are rather large and some key combinations used to produce non alphanumerical characters can be slow or cumbersome
  • I was a bit reluctant because of the screen. Does it feel big enough?
  • For me it's big enough for light work and some small programming projects and casual web-browsing

(As for gaming it's wonderful in most respects)
I was looking for a netbook in 11' the Pandora fit the build then but I didn't have the money. I bought one awhile ago and used it daily as a portable word processor and media player. my only gripe about the Pandora is the state of the internet browsers... flash didn't work and it doesn't play HD videos.. that was the only thing stoping it from replacing my laptop.

My Pandora is out of commission since it was apparently one with a weaker coil that controls the screen. However ED said it'd be readily fixed. If you plan on using it daily I'd suggest getting an aluminum case. Mine showed signs of massive wear. The plastic cases are the weakest link of the system.
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