Internal Development
I've got a new draft of my new Standard Reply to Flamers.
I encourage everyone to copy it somewhere and when anyone tries to start a fued between handhelds, they post this verbatim and leave it at that. Let there be no more flames! Just paste this in and move along and lock the topic, and maybe after awhile we'll get some decency
(see my posting in CaSTaway/GP board here on gp32x for how this came aorund
Standard Reply to Flaming Asswads: v1.01
You've chosen to flame _______ (insert GP32 or Zodiac at your leisure) or compare ______ (GP32 or Zodiac) to _______ (GP32 or Zodiac), and by doing so have demonstrated the fact you haven't got the information or clue enough in order to use either effectively. Both devices are underdogs waging a great war to open up the gaming market to new things and homebrew, and you should learn to appreciate what you have before trying to knock down something you know very little about. Flaming either device only aggravates everyone involved and makes people less interested in you -- instead, be a leader and builder.. construct new and greater things.. or shut the hell up.
I encourage everyone to copy it somewhere and when anyone tries to start a fued between handhelds, they post this verbatim and leave it at that. Let there be no more flames! Just paste this in and move along and lock the topic, and maybe after awhile we'll get some decency
(see my posting in CaSTaway/GP board here on gp32x for how this came aorund
Standard Reply to Flaming Asswads: v1.01
You've chosen to flame _______ (insert GP32 or Zodiac at your leisure) or compare ______ (GP32 or Zodiac) to _______ (GP32 or Zodiac), and by doing so have demonstrated the fact you haven't got the information or clue enough in order to use either effectively. Both devices are underdogs waging a great war to open up the gaming market to new things and homebrew, and you should learn to appreciate what you have before trying to knock down something you know very little about. Flaming either device only aggravates everyone involved and makes people less interested in you -- instead, be a leader and builder.. construct new and greater things.. or shut the hell up.