Srb2 Port

Classic Team

Jun 22, 2007
Oregon, US
As some of you may already know, SRB2, better known as Sonic Robo Blast 2, was ported by some members over at the SRB2 message boards; and I posted it here hoping someone would be able to get it running. unfortanatly, no one could for difforent problems. I;ve taken some time to fix SRB2 so you can sucsessfuly get the game past "loading Net Status" and re-configureing the screen resolution. Now, the only thing left to do is make the buttions on the GP2x compatable with the game. However, the problem is that all buttions are configured in A config file and read by the program. so we need to figure out how to re-direct the configuration file to another file so it will use the GP2X buttions, or finding another way. here is the code from the config file:


// SRB2 configuration file.
surround "On"
precachesound "Off"
stereoreverse "On"
gr_coronasize "1"
gr_coronas "On"
gr_dynamiclighting "On"
gr_staticlighting "On"
gr_fogcolor "000000"
gr_voodoocompatibility "Off"
gr_mlook "Full"
gr_fog "Off"
gr_fovchange "Off"
gr_gammared "127"
gr_gammagreen "127"
gr_gammablue "127"
gr_translucenthud "255"
viewsize "11"
advancedprecip "No"
raindensity "Moderate"
numsnow "Moderate"
precipdist "2048"
translucency "On"
scr_height "200"
scr_width "320"
scr_depth "16 bits"
fullscreen "Yes"
cd_update "1"
cd_volume "31"
snd_channels "32"
midimusicvolume "31"
digmusicvolume "31"
soundvolume "15"
useranalog2 "Off"
useranalog "Off"
use_joystick2 "0"
use_joystick "0"
use_mouse "Off"
controlperkey "One"
mlooksens "10"
mousesens "10"
mouse2port "COM2"
joyaxis2_look "None"
joyaxis2_move "Y-Axis"
joyaxis2_turn "X-Axis"
joyaxis2_side "Z-Axis"
joyaxis_look "None"
joyaxis_move "Y-Axis"
joyaxis_turn "X-Axis"
joyaxis_side "Z-Axis"
mlooksens2 "10"
mousesens2 "10"
mousemove2 "On"
alwaysmlook2 "Off"
invertmouse2 "Off"
use_mouse2 "Off"
crosshair2 "Cross"
showmessages "On"
mousemove "Off"
alwaysmlook "Off"
invertmouse "Off"
crosshair "Cross"
gamma "0"
resetmusic "Yes"
splats "On"
screenshot_folder ""
screenshot_option "Default"
cpusleep "-1"
skipmapcheck "Off"
nettimeout "525"
maxsend "200"
maxplayers "8"
servername "SRB2 server"
masterserver ""
con_backcolor "Green"
con_backpic "translucent"
con_height "50"
con_speed "8"
con_hudtime "5"
stretch "On"
vid_wait "On"
setcontrol "forward" "UP ARROW" "w"
setcontrol "backward" "DOWN ARROW" "s"
setcontrol "strafe" "ALT" "MOUSE3"
setcontrol "straferight" "[" "d"
setcontrol "strafeleft" "]" "a"
setcontrol "turnleft" "LEFT ARROW"
setcontrol "turnright" "RIGHT ARROW"
setcontrol "fire" "CTRL" "MOUSE1"
setcontrol "firenormal" ";"
setcontrol "lightdash" "'"
setcontrol "use" "." "q"
setcontrol "taunt" ","
setcontrol "camleft" "o"
setcontrol "camright" "p"
setcontrol "camreset" "c"
setcontrol "lookup" "PGUP"
setcontrol "lookdown" "PGDN"
setcontrol "centerview" "END"
setcontrol "mouseaiming" "f"
setcontrol "talkkey" "t"
setcontrol "scores" "TAB"
setcontrol "jump" "/" "MOUSE2"
setcontrol "console" "KEY96"
setcontrol2 "forward" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "backward" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "strafe" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "straferight" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "strafeleft" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "turnleft" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "turnright" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "fire" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "firenormal" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "lightdash" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "use" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "taunt" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "camleft" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "camright" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "camreset" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "lookup" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "lookdown" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "centerview" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "mouseaiming" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "talkkey" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "scores" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "jump" "KEY0"
setcontrol2 "console" "KEY0"

Thanks for the help -

- Classic Team
It'll require more than just a config file change, because the GP2X's internal Joystick registers it's axis' as buttons instead...
Find out where it parses the file to bind the controls, add some extra options and code for the GP2X controls and finally, change the default config file.
Hmm... I think what Ill have to go is get into the .gpe and ask it to load A config... in SDL instead of A .OOC (Microsoft Office Outlook Config file). However, it would be easyer if someone who knows DOOM would come up to the stage... (SRB2 is built on DOOM.)
Heh, well I'm the current maintainer of prBoom, but I'm still working on becoming familiar with the code. But PM me if you want some (not much truthfully) help...