Sponsoring Pandoras to best iPhone games developers


Still Fresh
Mar 27, 2009

I've searched the forums already and couldn't find something like this, so I thought it would be a good time now to sign up and talk about it.

I follow the development of Pandora closely on the official website, unofficial blog and on ordinary gadget news outlets ( Gizmodo, Engadget etc ).

Every now and then you see people talk about the potential of the Pandora hardware, but saying that it has little chance to really take off and fly because of lacking software... Because it wouldn't atract many commercial ( and therefore quality ) games to it and stuff like that.

Recently something just stroke on my mind.

The iPhone is nowadays where all games, especially mobile games, innovation is coming from, due to its low barrier-to-entry development. And although I don't own an iPhone, I know it has a lot of great innovative games.

So I got to think a little.. I reckon people talking about providing dev boards to some developers a while ago...
That being said, why don't we sponsor some Pandoras to the iPhone best games' developers?

I for one would greatly donate some bucks to that end and, to be honest, I truly think there are a lot of other people willing to do just that.

Maybe we can take advantage on all this massive influx of games Apple managed to pull off this way.

I'm eager to hear from you guys now!
The reason there are so many iPhone games is... money! There are literally millions of potential idiots (sorry, customers) that any developer can target, at just a few dollars which makes it a highly desirable market to be in. And have you seen some of the crud that tries to get passed off as 'quality' games.

The GP2X had something like 60,000 units in europe (I believe) and look at how few commercial games appeared for that. Not that I particularly wanted any anyway. Homebrew was the original target audience and that's the way it stayed.

Currently, and I think intentionally, the Pandora market is the same. Until it starts selling in the tens of thousands, no commercial (or remuneration driven) developer would really be interested.

That said, I have no problem with any developer doing exactly what the hell thay want in whatever way they want. It is an open system after all.
dflemstr said:
AKA don't do it. It isn't worth it. And besides, I haven't even heard of a good iPhone game. Not one single one.
I liked the one where you direct the water around into the various jugs... a lot like the sand game, except with goals added. Can't remember what it's called, though.

Besides that, yea, I haven't heard of anything ground-breaking or exciting either.
javaJake said:
dflemstr said:
AKA don't do it. It isn't worth it. And besides, I haven't even heard of a good iPhone game. Not one single one.
I liked the one where you direct the water around into the various jugs... a lot like the sand game, except with goals added. Can't remember what it's called, though.

Besides that, yea, I haven't heard of anything ground-breaking or exciting either.
it's called enigmo, and rolando is awesome too.
Maybe the Pandora could use a software distribution service similar to the iPhone's. Make it easy for developers to publish their games at any cost they choose and give the users a downloading client to easily buy the games. That would solve the problem of lack of games.
Thank you Aethix for the intro I wanted. :D

I have been thinking throughout all the time I've been waiting for the OP release about what I could do to help this new device/community become the coolest known open handheld on the planet, and distribution is one thing that came to mind. I've used a few stores, like gog.com, in which you can buy or download games on their site and then have it sent to a client to download/install. So, I thought it was something I could spend time doing while waiting and be productive at the same time. I therefore, want to give a peek to those interested of my development going on with this project. I have a bunch of the backend done(almost complete) and just need to make the frontpage/cart fit together. The goal is to make the site a mix of gog.com style but to also put links to opensource games in the repos or uploaded so that it's just selecting a nice picture on the website and auto install on the device with a client I haven't gotten to yet.

Feedback/advice is welcome.
Please keep in mind that this probably will require more than a simple web frontend and a management interface etc.
You'll probably have to coordinate this in detail with the Pandora devs to make something usable.

BTW, if you need a good frontend that's just write-a-100-lines-of-code-and-done, consider using PackageKit; it supports many of the features you need out-of-the-box.
(But maybe it's overkill, PackageKit supports far more features than needed)
I know that to make this thing work right there is alot to do, but I'd rather try doing something I think should happen then to just talk about it. Using an infrastructure like packagekit is something i've thought about, but it really all depends on what I can get out the door first, as I'd like to have something, even if basic, by "launch". Glad to hear ideas coming, though.
If any one of the Pandora devs wants to coordinate this with me, I'm more than happy to also.(actually, I'd prefer official support from the team if they want to give it)