Spirited Away - Just Seen It


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May 21, 2003
Eastbourne SE England
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I watched this film last night and it is absolute class.

Just wondering if anyone can recommend any similar quality anime films?

...I've only seen a few before: Streetfighter, Akira.
Amazing film. Saw it at the Cinerma twice :)

Other films you may like:

Princess Mononoke
Laputa Castle In The Sky
Ghost In the Shell
Rurouni Kenshin aka Samurai X
Ninja Scroll
in fact you can say that all the movies from 'studio GHIBLI' are great:
-nausicaa of the valley of the wind
-my neighbour totoro
-Porco rosso
-neko no ongaeshi
-omohide poroporo
-Heisei Tanuki Gassen Pompoko
-umi ga kikoeru
-kikis delivery service
-fireflys grave
-mononoke hime
-goshu the violoncelist
-the yamada : my neighbour
-cagliostro castle

I think that is all :P

and also cowboy bebop the movie (and btw the serie)

see you :lol:

for good series:
onegai teacher (and maybe onegai twins)
cowboy bebop
gunslinger girls
tales of eternia
love hina
anything else by the same bloke :D (is he called hayao miyazaki or is that the bloke who used to run nintendo?)

yeah porco rosso! :D

castle cagliostro (lupin III)

erm... i thought gunbuster (it's a series) was class...

the pine salad redubs of dirty pair hehehe...

also anything by masamune shirow (tank police, black magic m-66 etc...)

i liked project A-ko too *blush*

also (although i've never seen them) my neighbour totoro and nausicaa valley of the wind...
A few recent series worth seeing:

- Kiddy Grade (girls with nanotechnology enchancements, cyborgs, ect.)
- Scrapped Princess (magic battles)
- Last Exile (Airship battles)
- Naruto (Original ninja battles, not your usuall stuff :))
more into manga myself (see sig - wonderful manga called BLEACH), but I can recommend you some:

Stuff I REALLY like :)

- Cowboy Bebop
-> Probably the best anime I've ever seen, has great animation, lovely music and a cool storyline... AND it's got style. About bounty hunters in outer space, but that tells you NOTHING.
- Naruto (fansub @ aone)
-> kind of anime-cliché, but it's something almost everyone can enjoy (unless they're prejudiced towards the clicheness of the series, like I was before I watched it). It's easy watching, it's funny and it's got action! :D kind of slow though >_< but great nonetheless if you like ninja's and humour!
- Full Metal Alchemist (fansub @ ...hm don't know actually)
-> this series is just absolutely stunning! Haven't seen the end yet as they haven't made it yet :P but hell it's looking spectacular upto now! It's about 2 boys that lose their mother; they're both blessed with the gift of "alchemy"... you HAVE TO watch this one! :)
- Monster (@ aone)
-> I'm not following this anime, as I buy manga volumes often of this series, but if they follow the manga correctly, it's going to be the best anime of 2004. It's sort of a thriller story, but just is DOESNT suck :)...
- One Piece (@kaizoku-fansubs)
-> If you're into very crappy animation and stupid-ass humour, you should give this a whirl. I follow it because I like the style in which the artists designs the characters :)

Older stuff:

- Rurouni Kenshin
-> The tv series is mediocre, I could recommend eps 1-20 and 30-70 or so, because they took those parts out of the great manga series, but the rest is just crap. The OVA is cool though: one is four parts and one is two, I could recommend you the 4-part one, as it's more like a stand-alone movie... great samurai action on this one :)
- Trigun
-> It's a classic, seems to be enjoyed by the Western public (like me)... animation can get silly at times, but the story is well worth it after ep 12 :)
- Neon Genesis Evangelion
-> freaky series, it's something you just have to see to believe.

there are many others, but these will get you running in no time ;)
nausicaa of the valley of the wind is one of my all time favourite films, pure fantasy

also you should check spriggan - similar style to akira with guns and wierd shit going on
frolik posted on May 19 2004 at 05:17 PM said:
nausicaa of the valley of the wind is one of my all time favourite films, pure fantasy

also you should check spriggan - similar style to akira with guns and wierd shit going on
Cant find Nausicaa anywhere :(. Do have the first two mangas tho ^_^
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Wow! Thanks for all the lists. Looks like I came to the right place ;)

I think Ill look for nausicaa of the valley of the wind

And I've seen some great artwork for cowboy bepop so I'll look into that to.

//saves thread into My Documents.
pubjoe posted on May 19 2004 at 08:47 PM said:
Wow! Thanks for all the lists. Looks like I came to the right place ;)

I think Ill look for nausicaa of the valley of the wind

And I've seen some great artwork for cowboy bepop so I'll look into that to.

//saves thread into My Documents.
Nausciaa will be hard to find. Cowboy bebop will be easier.

Princess Mononoke is amazing too its about humans vs nature (same ppl who did Spirited Away, again the dub is good; one of the few animes where I can stand the dub)
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Cheers, I was dl'ing Nausciaa (there's a torrent atm) but I just cancelled to find Princess Mononoke. I've got to admit, I find dubbing (if done well) easier to put up with than subtitles.

Btw, I'm not a complete thief - I'm just trying some out. ;)

Could someone please tell me a good UK source for anime dvd's? The ones I've found are pretty expensive.

Thanks again.
If you're a fantasy fan, I highly recommend Escaflowne: The Movie (if you haven't seen the series. The plot is different so most people only like one or the other)

Initial D (subtitled) is excellent if you like street racing (Avoid the Tokyopop dub like the plague. This is the one series where I *strongly* recommend watching a bootleg.) The first season, while enjoyable, has questionable animation, but the second season and movie are far better animated. Besides, watching this series increased my skills in Need for Speed: Porsche Unleashed. Great series, and educational too!

Full Metal Panic is a fantastic comedy/action/mecha series. The second season is also excellent, but not yet licensed.

Mahoromatic is an excellent boy-meets-cute-android-maid comedy, very ecchi though (full of sexual humor)

Kiddy Grade is an excellent sci-fi series.

Anything by Studios GONZO, Ghibli, or Gainax will be good.

X is excellent. (watch the TV series first. You won't like the movie if you see it first)

Record of Lodoss War is pretty much the definitive fantasy anime series. The sequel Chronicles of the Heroic Knight is alright, but nothing special.

Excel Saga and Puni Puni Poemi are must sees once you've familiarized yourself with the genre. You won't appreciate them if you aren't very knowledgeable about anime and Japanese culture.

Rahxephon and Evangelion are excellent choices for those who enjoy deep plot lines and dystopian futures.

Hellsing is an excellent action/horror series.

Wonderful Days is a Korean animated film - another dystopian future with freedom fighters vs. oppressive aristocracy - beautifully animated

If you like your fantasy dark and brutal, Berserk is a good choice. Be warned that the anime is unfinished so the series ends with a cliffhanger - you will have to read the manga to get the continuation.

If you like fanservice with your action, Burn Up Excess is an excellent action/comedy choice.

S-cry-ed is a good action series, more freedom fighters vs. oppressive government

Rune Soldier is an excellent fantasy comedy series, set in the same universe as Lodoss War

If you like films that f*** with your mind like Fight Club or Memento, check out Perfect Blue

Read or Die is a cool 3-episode series about a schoolteacher who fights supercriminals with her paper-handling skills.

Nuku Nuku TV is great screwball comedy about a cat-brained android.

Ninja Scroll and Ghost in the Shell have already been named, but I recommend them as well.

Gah, so many more I'd like to list, but that should be enough for anyone....

If you want more help, head over to www.poalo.com/forum Excellent and very friendly anime forums there.
pubjoe posted on May 20 2004 at 12:38 AM said:
Cheers, I was dl'ing Nausciaa (there's a torrent atm) but I just cancelled to find Princess Mononoke. I've got to admit, I find dubbing (if done well) easier to put up with than subtitles.

Btw, I'm not a complete thief - I'm just trying some out. ;)

Could someone please tell me a good UK source for anime dvd's? The ones I've found are pretty expensive.

Thanks again.
MVC/ Virgin and HMV are all pretty good atm.

Amazon for online :)
Wonderful Days is a Korean animated film - another dystopian future with freedom fighters vs. oppressive aristocracy - beautifully animated
Great Korean animation :)
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Skop posted on May 20 2004 at 04:57 PM said:
is the anime 'blood will tell' any good?

it's about a samarai who loses his limbs, but gets them replaced with weapons :o

.....I think.
Never heard of it. Took a look on animenfo and its not on there :/
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