Specific Way To Draw W/ The Pencil Mod?


Sep 23, 2003
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I'm starting a new thread since I'm not sure how much attention is being paid to the two older ones. Is there a specific way you're supposed to draw when doing the pencil mod? I've tried meticulously drawing lines on both resistors/one resistor at a time and just scribbling around on them, and I know the graphite is being applied because it rubs off with an eraser, but I'm getting zero effect out of this mod. I don't really care if my GP dies since it's an old NLU that can't even pass 144 with stock settings, so I've lost almost all interest in it. Any advice is appreciated other than someone telling me not to do this.
Well, I just draw a few lines, with little pressure, from end to end. Seems to work. Took a bit of trying... Quite a bit.

At first I but on too much, and it wouldn't even start... Bluetack gets rid of any extra.

It should be clearly visible.

Have you gotten to a point where it refuses to start? If so, take gradually a bit off from it... And try again.

I used a 3B pen. 5B didn't work, too little graphite, too much... clay? I think.
Yeah, definetely make sure you write on the actual metal contacts on each end of the resistor. And make sure it's the R52 resistor and no the R48, R48 will actually lower the voltage. Also, if and when it does work for you, if your voltage is too high and it doesn't boot, just take a tiny screw driver and just try and lightly scrap a little graphite off and restest. This allowed me to shave about .01 volt of each time till I got down to around 2 volts (or whatever you want). Don't used metal inside while it is on by the way.

Cheers! :P
Rubbed pencil all the hell over R52.. nothing. Even with all the pencil, the voltage doesn't get so high that the GP won't boot or anything. It behaves just as it normally would.
try taking some sand paper with a real high grit some thing like 220 and just rub it a **little** i mean a **little** like one swipe with hardly any pressure then see if the graphite will stick.
