Sound Recording / Alsa Driver For A Sip Client


Certified Guru
Apr 5, 2007
Hi all,

I wanted to test a sip client for the pandora, so i took the famous ekiga ( I've tried to install and to run ekiga from angstrom package, but it crashs on startup (libpt give me a segfault in pool memory allocation). Using earlier version i succeed to run ekiga, but i haven't been able to connect to for a SIP test.

I've then decided to port it myself, and after a night of compilation on my pandora (there are tonns of libs that are not available on a freshly installed pandora), i finally succeed to run ekiga and to connect on their server, i can hear the women telling me that's a sound echo test etc so everything sounds good ... but now i want to use the mic of my pandora to send my voice to someone else (that the goal :D). But i just can't use the mic with alsa driver, it doesn't record anything.

I've then compiled easound to give it a test, but without any success, it just doesn't record anything. I'm using the mic, and then a 3 conductors audio jack (from my psp) but without success.

Does anybody here has already recorded something with the pandora ? with which tool / source code ? with which alsa driver parameters ?

Thanks :)
good luck on your mission (I will be watching this one closely) and I hope you pull off a successful voip setup... now I wonder if anyone out there is working on getting bluetooth bidirectional audio working... hmm... :D
zx-81 said:
Does anybody here has already recorded something with the pandora ? with which tool / source code ? with which alsa driver parameters ?

Thanks :)

If you're using only the internal mic then that will record sound only to one channel, but other than that it works just fine for me.

Proof: (an unlisted uninteresting "video", me just playing around with the mic levels etc with a pandora near some lowly set of desktop speakers (in the start i overdrove it, btw). I cut the .wav a bit and made it mono (instead of only one channel of useful data stereo), but otherwise its unaltered (by me that is, youtube propably does a lot of harm anyways).
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big thanks for the link (i've tried to find such post before, without success).

This command works for me :
arecord -f cd -D hw:0,1 | aplay

but if i'm not using the "-f cd -D hw:0,1" it just doesn't work. On ekiga it doesn't work as well, so i guess i've to write a ~/.asoundrc file to specify the proper alsa parameters ?
Here is a tar ball with ekiga compiled for pandora :

You can untar it somewhere and execute ekiga (it will set LD_LIBRARY_PATH etc for you).
You'd better create an account on before, to be able to login.

Then you have to specify the audio driver in the preference menu of ekiga (omap3pandora).
If everything is going fine you should get a woman telling you're connected etc ...
but mic input doesn't work for me.
The recording path shows up as another soundcard (hw:0,1) as it's using different serial port on OMAP, so you have to somehow convince the software to play through hw:0,0 and record through hw0,1. Maybe it can be merged into one using .asoundrc but I'm not sure.
thanks for your advice. i had tried to modify the device name by hacking the code and using env variables, but it doesn't help. This version of ekiga is plenty of bugs, it crashed all time, i didn't succeed to give a call using the windows version, so i give up, i will focus on another sip linux software ...