SORR config


Jan 4, 2010
Workington, Cumbria, (UK)
Can someone help me with this, i can't seem to find the optimal config..

There isn't an option to stretch to fullscreen.. am i right?, or to save your configs? the speed is also screwed up for me HQ2x is far too slow regardless of how high i overclock and the other two modes speedup to ridiculous levels during stage one again regardless of how high or low i clock.

Can someone suggest a good button config also please

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I can only help you by telling you that there's no fullscreen option. The other stuff will need to be clarified by someone else, as I've enjoyed playing on super fast speeds.
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I can only help you by telling you that there's no fullscreen option. The other stuff will need to be clarified by someone else, as I've enjoyed playing on super fast speeds.

Sigh.. something else that doesn't have an option to stretch/scale the screen, i understand that many devs/porters & users crave emulation 'accuracy' but i don't get why those emulators/games that don't default to fullscreen or natively support the Pandora's screen resolution, can't at least include an option (SCUMMVM!!) to do so, is it really that hard to implement?

Please devs/porters give those of us who aren't likely to spontaneously combust if the aspect ratio is not native, the choice to stretch or not to stretch (and some nice filters wouldn't go amiss either!) lets face it the Pandora's screen real estate isn't enormous, and for those of us that are visually challanged the option to stretch/scale things (especially games/emulators) i'm sure would be most welcome.

Thanks for the reply SONY..
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I've got fullscreen on SORR on my Pandora... You can only select it from the first-run config though

Sigh.. something else that doesn't have an option to stretch/scale the screen, i understand that many devs/porters & users crave emulation 'accuracy' but i don't get why those emulators/games that don't default to fullscreen or natively support the Pandora's screen resolution, can't at least include an option (SCUMMVM!!) to do so, is it really that hard to implement?

Depending on what scale needs to be applied, it can be quite an cpu/gpu-intensive operation, and can have a drastic performance impact
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Really? I thought there wasn't an option for that? I've never seen it, ever.
Like I said, you can't once your in the game (ie, from the Settings menu). However, the first time you run it, it asks you a video mode of double pixel, HQ2x, or scanlines. Each of those options has windowed and fullscreen, and the selection works.

I think if you go to Reset To Defaults in Settings menu and restart you should get the first run menu back
Is there a configurationfile in your appdata, where you could change that manually?
Is there a configurationfile in your appdata, where you could change that manually?


but no, for whatever reason running the .pnd didn't create an appdata folder (or at least mine didn't) and so no configuration file, no idea why.. i just created a SORR folder and dropped the game files into it.

Any further suggestions would be most welcome.
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Well, it can't create a configurationfile, if it wasn't run, so did you check again in the SORR folder, if there is one?
I can tell you too, that there is no option to stretch the video over the whole screen. The black bars will always be there, as the game is programmed for 640x480

Edit: Would work with some sourcemanipulation though...
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Well, that I can't tell, but I think here is some confusion going on.

Would be nice, if pmprog could clarify, what he means by fullscreen.
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How can there be any confusion, because it either can or can't do fullscreen (no borders)???

No, technically "fullscreen" means it takes the whole screen for the application. That only means, there are no windowdecorations or windowed mode.

I would call it fullscreen too, if it doesn't run windowed but has the black bars.