Sony Psp

timbobsteve posted on Dec 20 2005 at 05:18 AM said:
LOL, some ppl took this seriously!!! WOW... I thought you would all be able to smell the sarcasim on that one!!! But then again I am forgeting out non-english speaking readers. Sry guys this was just an innocent post.... well mostly innocent. :P

Merry Christmas. I hope no ones parents mistakenly gets them a PSP instead of a GP2X, that would be like kick a man while he's down! Ouch!

I don't think it's a language problem, it's more like a problem with sarkasm -some people don't sense it(or don't want to) and get annoyed by it B)
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I guess I didn't find it very funny, sorry. Besides, there was sarcasm in my posts as well. Sometimes I should use these smiley things... :D :lol:
well i thought it was funny. i started imagining what kind of a weapon a c64 would be as it's nice and heavy :)
the various retro consoles would make great weapons, cos they are heavier, clunkier and have got sharper corners :rolleyes:
I think my weapon of choice (in a seige situation) would be the NES!
shrubberyrobbery posted on Dec 20 2005 at 10:04 AM said:
well i thought it was funny. i started imagining what kind of a weapon a c64 would be as it's nice and heavy :)
the various retro consoles would make great weapons, cos they are heavier, clunkier and have got sharper corners :rolleyes:
I think my weapon of choice (in a seige situation) would be the NES!

All useless, get an XBOX or even worse, the power adapter of the 360 for an instant deathblow :D
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SONY posted on Dec 20 2005 at 01:06 AM said:
timbobsteve, are you for real? lmao
SONY, your name must make you popular with the ladies eh? :lol:
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geniv posted on Dec 19 2005 at 11:01 PM said:
timbobsteve posted on Dec 19 2005 at 09:19 PM said:
Hi All,

I am here to let you all know that the PSP is the most usefull console I have ever come across. Not only is it usefull, it is portable.

How did I come across this discovery. I will tell you:

I was walking home the other night with my PSP in hand, when a mugger jumped out from behind a corner pointing a gun at me. He told me to hand over my wallet and iPod. I handed them over and as he was turning to leave I asked him why he didn't take the PSP. I heard him laugh under his breath and he turned to run away with my beloved iPod and all my cash. I was in shock, all my pay was in my wallet and all my music was on the iPod. Not only that, but the robber actually left me with the PSP. Angered, I threw the device in the general direction of the fleeing bandit, not expecting any sort of effect. To my surprise the unit cracked the perp' in the rear of his skull, spliting it open and knocking him unconcious. Later when the police were questioning me about the incident I told them of my PSP-Throwing and the officer smilled. "Son, if more of our citizens bought protective devices like this, there wouldn't be any crime". Needless to say that the officer was surprised when I told him that the PSP was a gaming device and not a "Portable Smashing Piece". From now on I carry my PSP everywhere with me, on the subway down dark alleys and in bars. This is the story of how a PSP saved my life.

Do you all see now? Sony wasn't trying to make a gaming console they were making a protective device. I think they meant to spell it PPD (Personal Protective Device) but got mixed up. Lord know that it is not very good for games!!!!

I really doubt this happened to you.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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I prefer XBOX too.

But besides weight, the design of PS3 controller will be best for finishing him.


SONY definitely has talent for making deadly weapons. :lol:

loz_the_guru posted on Dec 20 2005 at 07:00 PM said:
huh? That really wasnt funny. it really really wasnt. really.
no, not really but still if it has really happend he was very lucky :)
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timbobsteve posted on Dec 19 2005 at 11:18 PM said:
LOL, some ppl took this seriously!!! WOW... I thought you would all be able to smell the sarcasim on that one!!! But then again I am forgeting out non-english speaking readers. Sry guys this was just an innocent post.... well mostly innocent. :P

Merry Christmas. I hope no ones parents mistakenly gets them a PSP instead of a GP2X, that would be like kick a man while he's down! Ouch!

I found it quite funny, but considering he asked a serious question, I decided to give him a lesson in logic, because if it HAD happened, then logic would tell you the PSP was still in one piece. ;P

Although When I first was reading it, before I got to the part when you threw the PSP at him, I DID think it was real, and found it hilarious that he didn't want your PSP, then I read the rest, realized it was a joke, and printed it up to show to my friends with PSPs. ^_^
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