Sonic & Knuckles Don't Run


Active Member
Oct 2, 2007
I love the Sega Genesis Emulator (it's my favorite emulator so far) But I can't get Sonic & Knuckles to run. Has anyone experienced this problem? Do I need to change some settings? I've tried everything. Also I know the... Ahem, GAME, works.
yup works for me, try a different rom dump, look for the exclamation point in the name.

other things to check: corrupt file, bad sectors on sd card.

only regular zip files, i don't think other compressed file formats will do. zipping is good because besides saving space, it has built in checksum so you can quickly confirm that the file isn't corrupt.

but before you go crazy, just look for another rom dump. just cause it works in another emulator on your pc is not a guarantee. but i can tell you for sure that a normal s&k rom marked [!] will work with picodrive.
There is a bad S&K dump with bad headers spread around the ROM sites, and PicoDrive doesn't handle that (PC emus ignore the bad header, so it works there). Will be fixed in next update.