... or what ever it's called
. Has anybody heard anything about this project? Is it still being developed?

Yeah I made a preview of the game in DLWD magazine #2Take a look at the dlwd magazine (I hope I got name right) for information.
I think it`s still worked on! I mean, they made so much pr
Dave with your negativity again.
Actually I have the latest Doom, the BLU+ compatible one, and saves DO work, I play it all the time.. Yeah the gamma is still a little screwed, but considering how the Sonic wad is a much brighter and more colorful pallette vs. Doom's dark and gloomy backdrop I have a feeling it wont be such a big deal.
Too bad the saves don't work on the latest version of doom (blu+) and the gamma is washed out. We need a new port of doom now to run this.
its a doom modification, based on sonic & nintendo characters.. new levels etc.mickeymouse posted on Jul 12 2005 at 04:12 PM said:what is sonic's revenge and what does it have to do with doo,?