Something's strange

From the GamePark FAQ:
What else can I run on GP32? 

Game is not the only content you can enjoy on GP32. SMC can record, store, and download many different multimedia content (e.g. animations, flash files, moving pictures) from PC as well as MP3 files currently available on GP32.
They are even talking about flash player........

see you ;)
Yeah, but they are also talking about Internet Connectivity, web browsing, and Chatting from your Gp32...
yeah they sed a lots of things that no one will see. capcom discontinued the work on sfalpha3 for gp32 about half year ago. They put their efforts whit crawfish entertainment for make the wonderful conversion on gba (i recommend it...wonderful...) but maybe they want to resume back the work.

i dunno other news, tho.

just do sidetalking, like the N-Gage lamers do

the invisibility trick goes like this:

send me your GP via mail, and you´ll never see it again :P


Throw your GP32 as high into the air as you can. If it comes back to the ground, you were ripped off by the firm Gaypark, who sells GP32´s that can´t fly. If you did the invisibility trick before, ill try out the flying move.
i read that red boxing should be possible using the dialer thingy, ull get free calls if u do that, dunno if anyones actually used it for this purpose though.