Some Official Newws Would Be Nice!


Still Fresh
Oct 10, 2005
North Wales, UK
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Hello everybody! My first post so please be gentle.

I don't know if I'm looking in the wrong places, but over the last week I have started to get a bit worried about the lack of any official information about the supposed delay to the release of the GP2X. Some people think end of October, others end of November. The last information from was Beta test for about two weeks, then they would be sent out. Which would mean sometime this week.

I, like a lot of people have pre-ordered and payed for my GP2X, and would have thought that if the release was to slip, GP would take the time to release a statement.

Don't get me wrong, I'd rather them take time to release a bug free piece of kit, and I'll wait as long as I have to, it's the not knowing.

What does everyone else think?
I'd be interested in the ETA for people who preordered from GBAX ;) - also with regard to the people who didn't pay postage - just keen to ensure no delays in receiving my unit..
yeah, some news from Craig here would be nice.

edit- just found this. guess he doesnt know yet....

I'm waiting to hear, the main problem is the massive demand, basicly the factory needs to be booked for a longer production run. Its likely that there may be a trickle of units in october and the mass of them arriving at the start of november.

On the flip side this does mean the console is looking like a big success!

Zero3K posted on Oct 16 2005 at 01:48 AM said:
Triton: I e-mailed GBAX and recieved an answer to when it'll start being shipped. It'll be shipped on the last week of October (A definate date will be posted on their website asap).
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Sorry guys, i keep forgetting you don't all read the updates here.

End of october start of november to meet demand, oringinal factory booking isn't long enough to meet the first orders so it has had to be rebooked a little later (but for a longer time).

Does mean its all looking really good sales wise :)
Sorry guys, i keep forgetting you don't all read the updates here.

End of october start of november to meet demand,

Sorry craigix, have been reading board religiously for last five days - must have missed that one.

It's also nice to know what the problem is, I was getting worried about the battery probs.

craigix posted on Oct 17 2005 at 04:12 PM said:
Sorry guys, i keep forgetting you don't all read the updates here.

End of october start of november to meet demand, oringinal factory booking isn't long enough to meet the first orders so it has had to be rebooked a little later (but for a longer time).

Does mean its all looking really good sales wise :)

Luckily I am here all the time but it might be a good idea to email everyone who has paid already just to let them know that the date has been pushed back by a couple of weeks. Otherwise based on your original timescale they would be arriving about now. :)

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Well, he did say he might be getting some in october so it's probably not necessary for him to email everyone and tell them it's going to be late but I suppose an email to those who preordered would help.

I remember ordering DVDs from some place online once and they never bothered to tell me the stuff I ordered had been on back order and probably wouldn't see a shipment for another month untill 2 weeks after I expected to get my delivery. I found this out from them when I emailed them asking what happened to my order, they expected me to be watching my order status on their site daily to see the backorder notice even though their site never displayed a warning for those titles when I odered, not to mention their reply was rude. I told them to screw themselves and cut my order vowing never to order from them again.

The point is that it's probably a good thing to keep paying customers in the loop on the progress of their order if there looks to be a problem fulfilling it. Even just a heads up email so that people know there might be an issue is nice to have.
craigix posted on Oct 17 2005 at 03:12 PM said:
End of october start of november to meet demand, oringinal factory booking isn't long enough to meet the first orders so it has had to be rebooked a little later (but for a longer time).
Does this mean I should expect to recieve my preorder on this date or GPH have have told craig he should expect some units on this date or wishful thinking and vagueness stops people badgering ?
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I ake it to mean he expects some units in the last two weeks of october not not necessarily enough to meet all of the preorders yet. So I figure if you've ordered early or are otherwise at the top of the list you could probably expect it before november but this is just a wild guess.