

Still Fresh
Jul 13, 2013
Here's a really weird question: does anyone know what solvent the paint on 1Ghz Pandoras is based on? Or, alternately, what the case material is?

For background, I have a very nice 1Ghz Pandora that's been at my side all day (as in, in my pocket) for a couple of months now and the silver paint is wearing off the corners (which I don't consider a defect, it'd be mighty paint indeed that could stand up to that), and I'd really prefer it was black anyway, so I'd like to strip the silver paint off but I don't want to just come at it with some acetone not knowing if that will attack the plastic.

The reason I don't just buy a black case off DragonBox is that I understand the black cases to be a product of the original case manufacturer and thereby prone to LCD-cable-endangering cracks. Is that still true?

Thanks folks!
AFAIK, the silver case is just black painted silver.  If you scrape off the silver coating, it will be the old black case and will crack....
I believe I read somewhere that, the case was changed so that internal structures within the case will be support certain stress points. Dunno if removing the paint will make it more prone to cracking though.   
Yes, new silver cases are not physically identical to old black cases, colour of paint excepted. There have been small tweaks made over time to alleviate stress points.

I don't know what solvent would remove the paint without affecting the plastic. You could try various common solvents such as white spirit or nail varnish remover (acetone) on a non-obvious area of the case (such as the underside).
I managed to break some pieces off of my 1ghz, so I'll see if I have some acetone to try on the paint there.
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I believe I read somewhere that, the case was changed so that internal structures within the case will be support certain stress points. Dunno if removing the paint will make it more prone to cracking though.
Ah didn't know that. Thanks for the edification.
How about taking the case apart and spraying it black/blue/whatever with normal graffity/airbrush?
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^ problems with things not fitting in the (then thicker) case?
Well, if you manage to only spray the visible outsides, only the hinge should get a bit tighter, but that would be a good thing, or not?


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It might just be best instead of using a solvent just use sandpaper. That way when you paint your case the paint will stick better and you dont have to worry about weakening the plastic of the case.
Didn't you get a plastic case containing the battery? Afaict that's the same plastic and paint; so you can experiment on that without touching even the non-obvious bits of your pandora.
@Klumpen: I don't want to repaint the case because then that paint will just wear off in my pocket, and anyway I like the shade of black the case is under the paint. That's an awesome gameboy, though...

@Znirk: I wasn't sure if the battery case was the same stuff, but it sure does look the same. Hmmm....

@lunixbochs: Thanks! I'll be curious what you find.