Well-Known Member
Evening folks....
Need some help with a phone SD card issue that only Pandora can get close to solving.
Need some Linux terminal commands knowledge from those with such force, to put it bluntly.
To waffle...
Had a crap samsung galaxy ace bought for me ages ago, that drove me mad (low phone internal memory problem), which had to partition the external mini SD card as Fat32 and Ext2 for the apps storage space and use a program called ´Link2SD´ to shift everything to the Ext2 partition to avoid the phone going nuts.
Anyway that solved things back then, along with a 32gb SD but... I recently got given a Samsung SII (old I know by todays standards) and thats great, except I stuck with a 3gb Ext2 partition for linking apps! ............Its full and the new phone is freaking!
Problem is :
Home PC is windows. No Linux dual boot at present, or Live Cd to hand.
No Internet at present, except via the phone. So I cant download linux, or a live Cd to the PC.
Windoze based Imaging programs, (even linux based ones) can copy the Ext2 partition but not allow me to resize the partition. Or merge, or anything, into unallocated space taken from the FAT32 partition. Which is weird imhho.
Windows cannot mount !he ext2 image, or real partition, on the ext2 section to copy its files either.
Pandora can....
Yay and Yah!
Despite spare space on a Fat32 card in the Pandora, to copy the files off of the Ex2 partition...
Permission is denied in simple cut and paste.
I´m aware from these forums historically, that that´s the obvious stated blatantly to my face.
What I need is (I believe?) therefore, the correct commands to permission wrap and tarball, an extractable and restore-able version of the current 2gb Ext2 partition, into a freshly made 8gb Ext2 space?
As no windows programs will it seems (or hear my screams!)....
Pandora can solve this.... I know for sure.
Prometheus would have helped me here back then and not stolen any Megamans thunder entirely. Miss her and her chapters. Was a good book in the making that.
Kind regards
edited : To amend TITLE to SOLVED
Need some help with a phone SD card issue that only Pandora can get close to solving.
Need some Linux terminal commands knowledge from those with such force, to put it bluntly.
To waffle...
Had a crap samsung galaxy ace bought for me ages ago, that drove me mad (low phone internal memory problem), which had to partition the external mini SD card as Fat32 and Ext2 for the apps storage space and use a program called ´Link2SD´ to shift everything to the Ext2 partition to avoid the phone going nuts.
Anyway that solved things back then, along with a 32gb SD but... I recently got given a Samsung SII (old I know by todays standards) and thats great, except I stuck with a 3gb Ext2 partition for linking apps! ............Its full and the new phone is freaking!
Problem is :
Home PC is windows. No Linux dual boot at present, or Live Cd to hand.
No Internet at present, except via the phone. So I cant download linux, or a live Cd to the PC.
Windoze based Imaging programs, (even linux based ones) can copy the Ext2 partition but not allow me to resize the partition. Or merge, or anything, into unallocated space taken from the FAT32 partition. Which is weird imhho.
Windows cannot mount !he ext2 image, or real partition, on the ext2 section to copy its files either.
Pandora can....
Despite spare space on a Fat32 card in the Pandora, to copy the files off of the Ex2 partition...
Permission is denied in simple cut and paste.
I´m aware from these forums historically, that that´s the obvious stated blatantly to my face.
What I need is (I believe?) therefore, the correct commands to permission wrap and tarball, an extractable and restore-able version of the current 2gb Ext2 partition, into a freshly made 8gb Ext2 space?
As no windows programs will it seems (or hear my screams!)....
Pandora can solve this.... I know for sure.
Prometheus would have helped me here back then and not stolen any Megamans thunder entirely. Miss her and her chapters. Was a good book in the making that.
Kind regards
edited : To amend TITLE to SOLVED
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