[SOLVED] C64 emulator with working sound output?


Active Member
Dec 19, 2011
Bavaria, Germany
hi guys.

is there a C64 emulator with working sound output?

I'd really like to hear Chris Huelsbeck's great music while playing Giana Sisters...

Vice x64 is not able to produce any sound here...


VICE should produce sound just fine. Very occasionally it might freak out and lose it, but it's usually not an issue.

The only time the sound is off is when Warp Mode is on, normally.
which Vice PND do you use?

Mine does not output any sound, no matter if configured to use OSS or SDL! (However, I don't remember where I have it from).

seems as if Warp mode was on. I wasn't aware of this setting.

Thanks for pointing me to that!

But can anyone get Vice Plus4 emulation to run properly (the screen is not centered properly). OK so it's off topic, but no one answered me when I created a topic on this so I thought I'd bring it up again here!
Question: This topic got the "Solved" flag in the subject. I don't know who set it. Is every user able to set this flag? How can I set it? I have not seen an option for it yet.


Could it be your copy of the Gianna Sisters? Have you tried other D64 images?

I'd recommend scouting around the CSDB, check out some demos etc. to see if they play sound okay.
Question: This topic got the "Solved" flag in the subject. I don't know who set it. Is every user able to set this flag? How can I set it? I have not seen an option for it yet.


I did it - force of habit (I do this whenever I spot one that's been solved but not marked as solved).

You can do the same by editing the topic's title. :)