<Well, I still would like to know the angstrom/Pandora alternative to usrmod >
But here is the manual method to fix this.
So my Root was broke and would not source the bashrc file and customize my prompt....
Start by checking the shell type for the user. In my case 'root' was not source-ing the profile when I 'su' to root from a terminal.
I ran the following to check the shell.
$ cat /etc/passwd | grep -i root
and got this:
AH, could it be? Now is the time to wish you had learned 'vi'
i - enters insert mode to edit the file.
esc - exits insert mode
:wq to save and exit
:q! to just exit
Now to change your shell you must edit the
/etc/passwd file and the secret files. But they must be locked out during editing to prevent corruption by other theoretical users.
The best way to edit
/etc/passwd, or shadow or group file is to use
vipw command. Traditionally (under UNIX and Linux) if you use
vi to edit
/etc/passwd file and same time a user try to change a password while root editing file, then the user's change will not entered into file. To avoid this problem and to put a lock while editing file, use
vipw and
vigr command which will edit the files
/etc/passwd and
/etc/group respectively. If you pass -s option to these command, then they will edit the shadow versions of those files i.e. /etc/shadow and /etc/gshadow, respectively.
The main purpose of locks is to prevent file corruption. Do not use vi or other text editor to edit password file. Syntax:
vipw -s : Edit /etc/passwd file
vigr -s : Edit /etc/group file
This will avoid /etc/shadow file corruption.
Change /etc/passwd 'root' info to this:
exit and close all terminals. opn a new terminal and su to root. See new prompt!
Check your files first [see examples below]. mine were also missing!
# ~/.profile: executed by Bourne-compatible login shells.
if [ -f ~/.bashrc ]; then
. ~/.bashrc
# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.
export PS1='\h@\w/# '
The discovery of vipw was here:
The Application and solution to my problem was all here!