[Solved] Artix Linux, fsck, non-/ LUKS in crypttab


Apr 3, 2016
Hi there,
I think there some Arch users here. Maybe someone knows already, how my problem can be solved.

I have two partitions with LVM on LUKS on my laptop - one on Optane storage, where I put the LVs for root partitions, and one on slower but bigger storage for data like installation-specific /home and /swap and shared data.
Devuan is already installed like that and it boots fine.
Yesterday I installed Artix. Guided by Artix' installation guide and lots of articles in Arch's wiki I think I configered it correct for the most part. the partition with the LUKS container is declared in crypttab, the /-related things in the booting stuff.
It stops booting when trying to fsck /home, which is declared in fstab, of course, but not reachable before opening the data LUKS container. When I log in for maintenance at that point the /-stuff is mounted fine.
I guess, fsck happens before crypttab, because I have the fsck hook in the HOOK array in mkinitcpio.conf.

Can I still use mkinitcpio to issue fsck, but somewhat delayed, so it happens after crypttab got parsed and the container opened?

Mh-kay, it's got nothing to do with that fsck hook. It happens without it, too. Plus, so I've read by now, that hook only applies to /.
But that means, fstab gets parsed before crypttab. Arch wiki promised otherwise. Or, is processing of crypttab just not happening? How would I chack that?
Maybe you need to install some init specific package to get that one working:
[autian@ws0 ~] pacman -Ss cryptsetup
system/cryptsetup 2.3.4-1 [Installiert]
    Userspace setup tool for transparent encryption of block devices using dm-crypt
system/cryptsetup-openrc 20200711-1 (openrc-system)
    OpenRC cryptsetup init script
system/cryptsetup-runit 20200811-1 (runit-system)
    runit stage1 script for cryptsetup
system/cryptsetup-s6 20201130-1 (s6-system)
    s6 service scripts for cryptsetup

And don't forget to activate the service.
That's it. Thank you.

I wish, packet managers knew qualifiers like service and service manager, with which they could be clever enough to also put in place a service's configurations for the installed SMs.