[SOLD] Brand New Openpandora (1Ghz)


Oct 7, 2011
London, UK
All, I have two Pandoras, the original was ordered from Craig, we all know what happened there. So in my impatience I ordered another off Ed and got that straight away. Well I finally got the one from Craig (Thanks Ed, seriously).

So... Having two I wish to sell the brand new one that got delivered to me just a couple of hours ago to cover the refund I might never have gotten. I've booted it up and it works fine and fact the case seems better then my one (the hinge for the screen is quite strong and can hold the screen at an angle, mine cant lol).

I'm going to try and sell it here first before going on ebay and even though its brand new im going to sell it at a loss for quick sale hopefully. A new one goes for 539 euros, Which today seems to be about £466. So I'll sell this for £415 with free p&p. Oh and this Pandora comes with the UK power adapter.

Yeah, so I'll see how this goes, I'm not open to offers at this point since I really don't want to lose too much from this. Any questions let me know (I'll see how much it overclocks by if anyone cares).

Oh, payment over paypal please, and my ebay ID is maquis196 as well if anyone wants to check my feedback there.

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If I was flush with money, I would definitely take you up on this... Alas, i'm attempting to save for a Note 8 (i have to have one. o.o)... And I already have a classic Pandora - which I'm very pleased with and have enjoyed for years already. TBH unless I miraculously have a dramatic change of financial fortune, my intention was to remain satisfied with my CC unit untill there is either a P2 or *all* preorders + investor capital has been cleared... Thus resulting in a more affordable 1ghz (for money-strapped peeps like me).
   Good to see the donation money put to good use.
Lol, I had one sent to me long before there was a donation box. It went to my old work and to avoid complications with them I got them to not sign for it so it went back to Craig. I wanted a refund instead but since that wont be an option I got them to send it back to me. So yeah, I'd like to think noone is out of pocket out of this except me (and yes, I WILL be donating to this queue come payday)
   Yeah, i was just kidding, the more people who have paid for and get their units the better! :)