So Why Did I Buy This Caanoo Again?


Go play your PSP and sell your CAANOO.

Go play your PSP and sell your CAANOO.
this is the truth <_<
poor guy, he was thinking that the CAANOO can fly or can go in the space? :blink:
Dude, tone it down a bit. You should have made this thread in the I Need Help section. Posting it here makes it look like you only wanted to complain and draw some attention. And even before that you should have tried a few obvious things to correct your issues. If I were you the first thing I would try is reformatting your SD card and then redownloading everything from scratch. If that doesn't work try reflashing the firmware or upgrading, I recommend 1.6.0 or 1.6.1. After that then you ask for help here.... nicely. It's been stated that the problems your having aren't happening to everyone, myself included. If it was the emulators fault then everyone would be having the same problems so the issues must be coming from your side. Bad firmware, corruptions or even hardware problems can cause it. That being said, most of the emus work great with the exception of PSX. Some games work at full speed but most are either slow or don't work at all. Don't expect miracles from that one as the Caanoo just doesn't have the horsepower for perfect Playstation emulation, and also make sure your using PCSX4all and not PSX4all. The only reason the PSP has great PSX emulation is because Sony wrote the emu and the hardware is similar between the two.

And please don't start with the insults, did it ever dawn on you that maybe English isn't sebt3's native language? Not everyone on the boards are from England or the US, in fact most are not. Not to mention he's one of the devs over here, check the archive as he's also one of the most active. And yes I realize he called you a "kid" but let's face it you were throwing a bit of a tantrum here.

Try the suggestions mentioned in this thread and see what happens. Also, make sure your roms are the correct format, .smc for SNES or .bin for Genisis etc. What class is your sd card? Try to use class 6 or higher, I remember some users had issues when using class 2 or 4. Hopefully, you'll get it working to your liking and decide to hold on to your Caanoo. More members over here is always a good thing!
Orion4874 said:
Dude, tone it down a bit. You should have made this thread in the I Need Help section. Posting it here makes it look like you only wanted to complain and draw some attention. And even before that you should have tried a few obvious things to correct your issues. If I were you the first thing I would try is reformatting your SD card and then redownloading everything from scratch. If that doesn't work try reflashing the firmware or upgrading, I recommend 1.6.0 or 1.6.1. After that then you ask for help here.... nicely. It's been stated that the problems your having aren't happening to everyone, myself included. If it was the emulators fault then everyone would be having the same problems so the issues must be coming from your side. Bad firmware, corruptions or even hardware problems can cause it. That being said, most of the emus work great with the exception of PSX. Some games work at full speed but most are either slow or don't work at all. Don't expect miracles from that one as the Caanoo just doesn't have the horsepower for perfect Playstation emulation, and also make sure your using PCSX4all and not PSX4all. The only reason the PSP has great PSX emulation is because Sony wrote the emu and the hardware is similar between the two.

And please don't start with the insults, did it ever dawn on you that maybe English isn't sebt3's native language? Not everyone on the boards are from England or the US, in fact most are not. Not to mention he's one of the devs over here, check the archive as he's also one of the most active. And yes I realize he called you a "kid" but let's face it you were throwing a bit of a tantrum here.

Try the suggestions mentioned in this thread and see what happens. Also, make sure your roms are the correct format, .smc for SNES or .bin for Genisis etc. What class is your sd card? Try to use class 6 or higher, I remember some users had issues when using class 2 or 4. Hopefully, you'll get it working to your liking and decide to hold on to your Caanoo. More members over here is always a good thing!

Sorry if I blew up, but I have been working on getting my CAANOO to work now for over 2 months. I get multiple answers from several websites that either leads me to a dead end, or a bigger problem. Even coming here when I had issues with my CPS2 emulation. The answers I got were not relevant to my question or problem and lead me to a corrupted file issue. (I had to find a rom set of CPS2 that worked with the Wiz in order to make it work for the CAANOO, not listed anywhere on any help site) Since then I've formatted my SD card, I've downloaded the latest emu's from Yoshi's pack and I can check that site again, but they were up to date as of last month. I am not expecting my CAANOO to shoot fireworks and fly, I was expecting this to be a little more user friendly than this. Getting emulators to work on other consoles and PC's is no where near as complicated as it is with this device, and thus I am getting frustrated.

I will go ahead and download the newest firmware and see if that corrects it, I will also try to dump the raw ROM files into a directory instead of using the compressed versions of them.

On a side note, I posted this in the general forums because there isn't one specific thing I need assistance with, it was more of a general question to see if anyone is having issues with multiple emulators and roms not functioning the way they should. Its less of a "I need help" and more of a "anyone else having general problems with the system?"

What I will do is make a tech sheet of every emu and every game having issues that I have. And I will post it into the correct forum and see if I can get the issue resolved. I was hoping not to have to do that, but it seems to be a big no no here to ask general questions due to the reader's previous tension with other issues effecting how your message is conveyed. So I will make it as specific as possible and we will see how it goes.

And honestly I could care less what that other guy's standing is in the forum or on the dev side. The first words out of his mouth was to call me a troll and direct me to a thread that had nothing to do with my topic. So yeah, I got defensive... sorry if I didn't calm myself down before posting but I had just got done trying to load my PSX games, and with all of them failing, i was pissed. I work a full time job and have a family to support so I don't have all the time in the world to tinker with this thing. Everyone says how flawless and easy it is to get it to work, and yet everything has been a complication for me using this thing. So sorry again, but that guy went out of line before I did. He even said himself that he has been hearing a lot of CAANOO hate and assumed that was my tone of voice.
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It's cool man, don't sweat it. I do think the term "troll" gets thrown aroud way to often. You're not one imo, if you didn't own a Caanoo and came here just to bash it then yeah, that's a troll. Could be worse though, this could be GBATemp! ;) But you do raise a good point however. I'd be interested in knowing where you and the others with similar problems purchased your units. It reminds me of some problems people were having with the Wiz handhelds. All had the same problems and all were bought from the same place (ThinkGeek). Makes me wonder if a bad batch of Caanoos made it into the wild as well.
Maybe just list a few games per emu that won't work for you, preferably one's that most people would know if possible and I and others will try them and then we can compare results. I'm just hoping it's not a weird hardware issue as there won't be much you could do short of the devs updating their respective emus to correct it or doing a return/exchange from wherever you bought it.
blindsyde84 said:
What I will do is make a tech sheet of every emu and every game having issues that I have. And I will post it into the correct forum and see if I can get the issue resolved.
Thanks ;)

And sorry for my replys
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i cant believe it...


i have both and a lot more handheld in the past. like 20


Only PS1 emulator is better on PSP.

Try update your caanoo firmware. AND OVERCLOCK ALL EMULATORS to 700 to 720 mhz.



i bought some handheld i didnt like, like the dingoo. but i dont get angry at everyone for that. just sell it and stop that .oh man
I never use the emulator packs, myself.

Anyway, I've just tested out Mega Man Battle Network 4 Blue Moon and Kirby: Amazing Mirror (I used to play these games a LOT back when I had a glacier GBA). I've played these for an hour each, and I haven't had any problems. Not one. I do not have any of my roms zipped and I haven't overclocked my system. I keep forgetting how awesome the music from these games is. :o

I do recommend increasing the deadzone to something around 40, I kept getting false up button presses in Kirby because it was set to 8 for some reason.

If you tell me which other games don't work for you, I can test them out for myself to confirm whether or not it's a problem with the emulator. I can test out most GB, GBC, GBA, SNES, Genesis/CD/32x, Sega 8-bit, Atari 8-bit, or Mame games, depending on what I have. I don't play CPS2, so I can't help with that.

Also, renejr902, to my knowledge, there is no ghosting on the 3000, which is what I own; it uses different screen technology. ;) However, it does look a bit patchy when the screen is all one colour and is more prone to stuck pixels. I had return my first one because of an extremely annoying dead pixel. Well, I guess no noticeable ghosting and richer colours are worth it.
blindsyde84 said:
sebt3 said:
Kenshinsama said:
Rude way to offer some help to someone just asking a few general questions.
My reply was rude, but his questions wasnt in the nicest form either.
Also I've read a lot of caanoo hate here lately and I dislike that a lot. Your friend post was in the same tone.

I for one would not compare any "opensource friendly" handhelds you will find here with anything commercial : I dont have to hack my device to make it my own.

Many handheld devices developper are doing there thing for fame, so they choose the lastest hyped devices to do their hack. I'm rather sure that devel on PSP is drying and will be completly dead once the vita is out.

The caanoo community have a way smaller developper base, but these dev are doing their hack for the community. These dev tend to stick to their device. I know some dev having a gp2x, a wiz, a caanoo and a pandora that release their work on the 4 plateform. The gp2x still have seen 3 releases last month even if this is a device 2 generations late.

Do you think you'll see PSP developpement when the vita successor will be out since a year ?

In the end of the day, saying those few devs that their work is slow and working badly is not the best way to get them fix your issues. You'ld better be a part of the community and as such report each problems in the right thread

PS: My initial reply (not posted) was just "sell it" : nobody here make a cent on caanoo sells, so we could not care less about the second hand market : we even provide a section dedicated to just that here.

Maybe I just dont understand where in any of your posts have you answered any of my questions? You want to know why you are hearing a lot of Caanoo hate, its because its been out for over a year now, and has little to no progression over the last half a year. There has been minor updates to the emulators and the homebrew is getting games and apps that only other developers would see as useful. I'm not hating on the Caanoo, I want more than anything for this thing to do what it is supposed to do. But instead you give me some fluff about the PSP vs Caanoo... I dont really care what the PSP can do... I have one. I want this EMULATOR/HOMEBREW SYSTEM TO RUN EMULATORS AND HOMEBREW.... wtf is so hard to understand about that?

All I am looking for is some advice on how other people may have gotten passed the emulator issues I am having. The solution to someone asking for help on this device should not be "sell it." Unless you want even less support and even less of a community than you have right now.

and btw, the PSP Vita will be hacked within a month of release, you can guarantee that. And there will still be plenty of support for the older versions of the PSP because of the price and accessibility of the old models. Just like how the PSP 1k,2k,3k,GO all have their own developers and own CFW communities. They are still strong and still producing new things... and it probably has a lot to do with the fact that they don't give answers like how you gave. Sorry if I hurt your feelings if I said I was having issues with my Caanoo and I was pissed about it, it's not your money that just got wasted now is it?

Well, maybe your just not the sharpest tool in the shed. Had you done ANY research before you bought the Caanoo you wouldn't be complaining. Nobody EVER said the system was a PSX emulator. You should of known that. Everything else works just fine for me. Your roms must be bad...all my GBA games work great. Genesis/Sega CD and SNES too. And EVERY Turbografx/PCE game, TG-CD, Super CD and Arcade SCD work AWESOME with Ginge. I think this is owner error. You wanna play PS1, go play ISOs on your hacked PSP. This community doesn't need people like you being rude as f*ck. End of story.
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About CPS2: The complete cps2 romset (except one game) works well in my caanoo. You surely have a wrong romset. I recommend you to search google for a full romset for wiz or caanoo. And remember that some roms work better with overclocking (try not to OC more than 730MHz)

About Sega Genesis: Every genesis rom i've tried works fullspeed. No overclocking required. Mega CD or 32x it's another story, though.

About SNES: 99% of the roms i've tried work. However, some of them require a bit of tweaking in the options. If a rom doesn't start, try to modify its options and disable the sound hack, and set emulation to compatible. Most problems are fixed with that. Also, overclocking is recommended with SNES.

About Gameboy: I've never had those random resets. Maybe you have an outdated version... go to and download the latest one.

About PSX: For playing PSX games, use your PSP.
@OP, you already answered your own question: "It's an open source system and all that blah blah blah."

You do realise the Caanoo is just a cheap Korean PMP that some nice dev's spent hours of their own time creating and porting software to for free?

Maybe it's not for you?
I'm amazed this blindsyde84 got any helpful replies at all.

He expects we try and make him feel better for his own disappointment of the Caanoo?

Sure, he made a kind of apology, he's still just plain insulting.

blindsyde84 said:
Maybe I just dont understand where in any of your posts have you answered any of my questions? You want to know why you are hearing a lot of Caanoo hate, its because its been out for over a year now, and has little to no progression over the last half a year.
Well, that's not true for a start. We don't get many people on this board quite as annoying as you!

blindsyde84 said:
Sorry if I hurt your feelings if I said I was having issues with my Caanoo and I was pissed about it, it's not your money that just got wasted now is it?
Believe me, you're hurting yourself if anything!

blindsyde84 said:
I work a full time job and have a family to support so I don't have all the time in the world to tinker with this thing.
Many of us don't have time either.

I'm not surprised people are annoyed at you, at least they were righteous as far as the community is concerned! ;)
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Squarefish said:
I'm amazed this blindsyde84 got any helpful replies at all.

He expects we try and make him feel better for his own disappointment of the Caanoo?

Sure, he made a kind of apology, he's still just plain insulting.

blindsyde84 said:
Maybe I just dont understand where in any of your posts have you answered any of my questions? You want to know why you are hearing a lot of Caanoo hate, its because its been out for over a year now, and has little to no progression over the last half a year.
Well, that's not true for a start. We don't get many people on this board quite as annoying as you!

blindsyde84 said:
Sorry if I hurt your feelings if I said I was having issues with my Caanoo and I was pissed about it, it's not your money that just got wasted now is it?
Believe me, you're hurting yourself if anything!

blindsyde84 said:
I work a full time job and have a family to support so I don't have all the time in the world to tinker with this thing.
Many of us don't have time either.

I'm not surprised people are annoyed at you, at least they were righteous as far as the community is concerned! ;)

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blindsyde84 said:
sebt3 said:
Kenshinsama said:
Rude way to offer some help to someone just asking a few general questions.
My reply was rude, but his questions wasnt in the nicest form either.
Also I've read a lot of caanoo hate here lately and I dislike that a lot. Your friend post was in the same tone.

I for one would not compare any "opensource friendly" handhelds you will find here with anything commercial : I dont have to hack my device to make it my own.

Many handheld devices developper are doing there thing for fame, so they choose the lastest hyped devices to do their hack. I'm rather sure that devel on PSP is drying and will be completly dead once the vita is out.

The caanoo community have a way smaller developper base, but these dev are doing their hack for the community. These dev tend to stick to their device. I know some dev having a gp2x, a wiz, a caanoo and a pandora that release their work on the 4 plateform. The gp2x still have seen 3 releases last month even if this is a device 2 generations late.

Do you think you'll see PSP developpement when the vita successor will be out since a year ?

In the end of the day, saying those few devs that their work is slow and working badly is not the best way to get them fix your issues. You'ld better be a part of the community and as such report each problems in the right thread

PS: My initial reply (not posted) was just "sell it" : nobody here make a cent on caanoo sells, so we could not care less about the second hand market : we even provide a section dedicated to just that here.

Maybe I just dont understand where in any of your posts have you answered any of my questions? You want to know why you are hearing a lot of Caanoo hate, its because its been out for over a year now, and has little to no progression over the last half a year. There has been minor updates to the emulators and the homebrew is getting games and apps that only other developers would see as useful. I'm not hating on the Caanoo, I want more than anything for this thing to do what it is supposed to do. But instead you give me some fluff about the PSP vs Caanoo... I dont really care what the PSP can do... I have one. I want this EMULATOR/HOMEBREW SYSTEM TO RUN EMULATORS AND HOMEBREW.... wtf is so hard to understand about that?

All I am looking for is some advice on how other people may have gotten passed the emulator issues I am having. The solution to someone asking for help on this device should not be "sell it." Unless you want even less support and even less of a community than you have right now.

and btw, the PSP Vita will be hacked within a month of release, you can guarantee that. And there will still be plenty of support for the older versions of the PSP because of the price and accessibility of the old models. Just like how the PSP 1k,2k,3k,GO all have their own developers and own CFW communities. They are still strong and still producing new things... and it probably has a lot to do with the fact that they don't give answers like how you gave. Sorry if I hurt your feelings if I said I was having issues with my Caanoo and I was pissed about it, it's not your money that just got wasted now is it?
I have to agree with you. Although I don't blame the community for the lack of good emulation/homebrew, I do think for the amount of money I've spent on the Caanoo, it has been somewhat of a disappointment. I created a thread about one of my biggest gripes, which is the lack of deadzones on emulators. I am finding it a little hard to understand how its such an issue to add deadzones to a Game Boy emulator for the Caanoo. Issues like this, plus the news that GPH has shut down already, doesn't leave me excited for the future of open source handhelds. I got more out of my PSP for the most part, and that saddens me because I really DO want to support the Caanoo, but can't because of the problems I am having with it. Don't feel bad for stating your case. I feel the same way. I've spent over $200 on my Caanoo altogether, and I expect more from it. Again, not the community here's fault, but just general lack of support and disinterest in the Caanoo.
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jlenoconel said:
I have to agree with you. Although I don't blame the community for the lack of good emulation/homebrew, I do think for the amount of money I've spent on the Caanoo, it has been somewhat of a disappointment. I created a thread about one of my biggest gripes, which is the lack of deadzones on emulators. I am finding it a little hard to understand how its such an issue to add deadzones to a Game Boy emulator for the Caanoo. Issues like this, plus the news that GPH has shut down already, doesn't leave me excited for the future of open source handhelds. I got more out of my PSP for the most part, and that saddens me because I really DO want to support the Caanoo, but can't because of the problems I am having with it. Don't feel bad for stating your case. I feel the same way. I've spent over $200 on my Caanoo altogether, and I expect more from it. Again, not the community here's fault, but just general lack of support and disinterest in the Caanoo.
The problem with a joystick is that it's still a clumsy joystick even with dead zones, but without them, it's a useless joystick.
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To the OP:

If you don't like your Caanoo, you could always sell it on eBay. At least then you could recoup some of your losses.
I am not at all sure what you are doing to get your results, but nearly every Genesis rom works for me, as well as many others. I admit I did not try PSX (as I do not expect great results there honestly) but the rest I have tried (GnGeo, NeoCD, CPS2, Mame, GBA, SNES, Genesis, SMS, GG, NES, GB) have been just freakin' awesome and an absolute joy on the system. These are not built in such a way that one works great and another gets bad is the same hardware as far as I am aware. Mine came from Play Asia with v1.6.1 rev167 preinstalled. I have had zero issues with running a plethora of games on my 32GB class 4 card. Either you are doing something seriously wrong, or your units itself has some issues. Why not try NOT using those already created "packs" and individually download the latest version of a particular emulator instead? This is what I have always done. Many times than not these packs contain several versions back of a particular emulator, and may not contain the "best" emulator for the system. I ran through three SNES emulators before I found the one that played games nicely with proper sound for example. I know it is a little more footwork to go one at a time with the emulators than to simply jump into a "pack", but in the end I believe it is worth it.
I'd also be disappointed if I'd bought a Caanoo, but I don't think I'd take it out on any of you. Perhaps the OP was swayed into buying one based on some overzealous comments he read on this forum and elsewhere. For example, reading comments like "99% SNES compatibility" sounds great to someone looking for a handheld that can play SNES games, but the fps issues, crashes, and numerous port-specific bugs introduced produce a product that's nowhere close to 99% playability.

Now I'm not accusing the poster who stated this of purposely trying to mislead with his statement, as he did suggest that some games need tweaking, but if a potential buyer becomes conditioned by comments that speak of 99% compatibility as opposed to the roughly 70% full speed playability, they're just getting set up for disappointment.
zektor said:
I am not at all sure what you are doing to get your results, but nearly every Genesis rom works for me, as well as many others. I admit I did not try PSX (as I do not expect great results there honestly) but the rest I have tried (GnGeo, NeoCD, CPS2, Mame, GBA, SNES, Genesis, SMS, GG, NES, GB) have been just freakin' awesome and an absolute joy on the system. These are not built in such a way that one works great and another gets bad is the same hardware as far as I am aware. Mine came from Play Asia with v1.6.1 rev167 preinstalled. I have had zero issues with running a plethora of games on my 32GB class 4 card. Either you are doing something seriously wrong, or your units itself has some issues. Why not try NOT using those already created "packs" and individually download the latest version of a particular emulator instead? This is what I have always done. Many times than not these packs contain several versions back of a particular emulator, and may not contain the "best" emulator for the system. I ran through three SNES emulators before I found the one that played games nicely with proper sound for example. I know it is a little more footwork to go one at a time with the emulators than to simply jump into a "pack", but in the end I believe it is worth it.
I wouldn't put the Caanoo's SNES and GBA ports in the freakin' awesome category. Granted, they work for the most part, but passable with heavy overclocking seems like a better description. High quality console emulation on the Caanoo seems to peak with the Neo Geo\Genesis. After that it's a mixed bag.
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