So...i Got Rid Of My Dingoo A-320


Nintendo Switch
Oct 8, 2005
Got sick of the fact that the Dingoo A-320's a bit of a hit 'n' miss when it comes to overall success.
Also, although I was 99% happy with it, there were just some things that annoyed me!!!

Examples below.

- Battery wasn't easily replaceable, let alone removable
- The "pressing of buttons at the same time" thing wasn't possible without a mod or button re-assigning/mapping
- SHENZHEN Dingoo Digital going all quiet on the Dingoo scene
- 16GB card max, some say 8GB card max, lol
- The rubber feet that cover the screws on the back of the unit easily or eventually all come off
- Screen viewing angles not matching up to the good or great standards of every other "leading" TFT LCD portable console out there

Those above examples are just some of the few shitty nuances that I, personally came across with.

Anyway, enough about the Dingoo A-320. Lets move onto what I've finally decided.

I've got my GP2X Wiz coming in on August 1st (my gf is giving me one).
And I know it's a sudden switch from light to shade, but I know, from what I've been reading in the Wiz forums so far, I will totally not regret it.

99% happiness is not enough for me.
I'm sure I did the right thing by giving the Dingoo the boot (even though an idol of mine (Craigix) is a supporter of it), I know in my heart that Wiz will give me 100% satisfaction guaranteed!!
So...Wish me luck, not that I'll need it...& thanks for listening!
See you all soon, as a new Wiz user. B)
SONY said:
Got sick of the fact that the Dingoo A-320's a bit of a hit 'n' miss when it comes to overall success.
Also, although I was 99% happy with it, there were just some things that annoyed me!!!

Examples below.

- Battery wasn't easily replaceable, let alone removable
- The "pressing of buttons at the same time" thing wasn't possible without a mod or button re-assigning/mapping
- SHENZHEN Dingoo Digital going all quiet on the Dingoo scene
- 16GB card max, some say 8GB card max, lol
- The rubber feet that cover the screws on the back of the unit easily or eventually all come off
- Screen viewing angles not matching up to the good or great standards of every other "leading" TFT LCD portable console out there

Those above examples are just some of the few shitty nuances that I, personally came across with.

Anyway, enough about the Dingoo A-320. Lets move onto what I've finally decided.

I've got my GP2X Wiz coming in on August 1st (my gf is giving me one).
And I know it's a sudden switch from light to shade, but I know, from what I've been reading in the Wiz forums so far, I will totally not regret it.

99% happiness is not enough for me.
I'm sure I did the right thing by giving the Dingoo the boot (even though an idol of mine (Craigix) is a supporter of it), I know in my heart that Wiz will give me 100% satisfaction guaranteed!!
So...Wish me luck, not that I'll need it...& thanks for listening!
See you all soon, as a new Wiz user. B)

From what I am hearing, if you already have a gp2x the Wiz simply is not enough of an upgrade to justify the cost. I felt the same way about the gp2x but the backlit screen was a deal maker for me. If you are coming from a dingoo or a gp32 or something like that you will probably be happy, but like I said, I just don't think it's that big of an upgrade from the gp2x according to the reports of Wiz owners. For those who remember, I was a staunch supporter of Gamepark and held off judgement until it arrived, but from the reports I've heard, it has failed to deliver (although I would still put it above the dingoo). Who knows, maybe some programming tricks will give it the speed boost it needs. OTOH, nothing can grow the screen larger.
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But yeah I somewhat agree, what angers me the most is that shenzen...shenzn....sheoollapalooza or whatever won't care about the community. It could be massively growing but they probably
just care about making a new version which will be replaced by another version soon after.

About the removable battery...meh, I mean, i've never owned a product with rechargeable batteries long enough for them to wear out, not even laptops... even if they do wear out generally
theres a new version of the product out or you've just lost interest.

Still, remember the wiz is almost double the price, so a few cutbacks were expected. I'm still liking the XY buttons on the dingoo more, I don't know why GPH thought it would be hard to make
them like they been for many years.

Oh well
I do not own a dingoo but I think if you install a Dingux it fixs "pressing of buttons at the same time"

I do have to say I love the wiz. its strong too I dropped it on a cement floor two times and it did not even scratch it
SONY said:
- Battery wasn't easily replaceable, let alone removable
- The "pressing of buttons at the same time" thing wasn't possible without a mod or button re-assigning/mapping
- SHENZHEN Dingoo Digital going all quiet on the Dingoo scene
- 16GB card max, some say 8GB card max, lol
- The rubber feet that cover the screws on the back of the unit easily or eventually all come off
- Screen viewing angles not matching up to the good or great standards of every other "leading" TFT LCD portable console out there

You can replace the battery. It's not easy as it's soldered in but you can do it.
Not being able to press the buttons at the same time is just really bad software. The Dingoo gives you access to all button presses simultaneously.
I haven't had any problem with the rubber feet and find the viewing angles are better than my GP2X.
My only really quibble is that it has a slightly lighter feel to the build - but then it only cost me AUD$100.00 - which really is a bargain compared to other handhelds - especially considering that it's a very capable machine when running Dingux.

This half of the year will see some very interesting releases for the Dingoo I think.
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Not sure where he got his, though I would recommend DealExtreme if you're thinking about one. $83 or so, free shipping anywhere.

I would agree that at least right now, the Wiz definitely has more going for it since gp2x software is easily ported to the Wiz. But, the Wiz is more than double the cost of a the Wiz's price point, I had to say no. Plus, the Dingoo seemed to have a superior design as far as button layout and what not.

The Dingoo's scene will pick up in already is really.
Gruso said:
Where did you get yours Slaanesh?
Yep, DealExtreme. The exchange rate at the time worked out to be a little over AUD$100 (inc. postage!). What a bargain! I was looking at eBay first, but the cheapest was closer to AUD$120 inc. postage.
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SONY said:
Also, although I was 99% happy with it, there were just some things that annoyed me!!!

Who says there won't be things about the Wiz you won't like (like screen tearing in some stuff not fixed) then have to go back?

I would think you would keep both to see which you like more, then dump the one you don't want. 99% is pretty high a percent, I have never liked any handheld 99%, there has always been some annoyances to me.

I like the Wiz more (although I don't have a Dingoo) because of the better contrast and viewing angle of the OLED for MAME arcade stuff. For anyone that likes arcade classics, the WIZ is really the best for now in my opinion due to the CRT-like screen.

As far as slow scenes, everything seems to have stalled. There hasn't been an update in Wiz emus in a long time and no new ones have been ported recently at all. I guess everyone is off doing Pandora things now or something.
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DaveC said:
As far as slow scenes, everything seems to have stalled. There hasn't been an update in Wiz emus in a long time and no new ones have been ported recently at all. I guess everyone is off doing Pandora things now or something.

Let's hope so, then there is still a active community somewhere ;)
Maybe later on it will get better.
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DaveC said:
As far as slow scenes, everything seems to have stalled. There hasn't been an update in Wiz emus in a long time and no new ones have been ported recently at all. I guess everyone is off doing Pandora things now or something.

Eh.. nah. This is about the expected speed. GP2X wasn't exactly flooded with releases either.
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Exophase said:
DaveC said:
As far as slow scenes, everything seems to have stalled. There hasn't been an update in Wiz emus in a long time and no new ones have been ported recently at all. I guess everyone is off doing Pandora things now or something.

Eh.. nah. This is about the expected speed. GP2X wasn't exactly flooded with releases either.
Yeah I guess the expectations were high considering that loads of GP2X source code exists right now. With the GP2X it was different as most stuff was written/ported to it without existing and similar handheld sources. The GP32 really didn't have much in the way of source code available so very few things were ported from it, most coders on that system hoarded their code.

Well maybe it has to do with devs irreversably bricking their Wizzes with faulty firmware or something ;)
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