So, Has Anyone Flashed Their Blu ?

  • Thread starter Thread starter TelcoLou
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Anyone? I may flash to Mr. Spiv's Multi FW2, as I really like having my gp32_console boot into Windups .. but this new Euro Bios is so ... cute :lol:
Sure have, Aquafish's Multifirmware.

It is grand... I am currently attempting to figure out backgrounds/fonts for both the boot selector and YAFL, how to make a video work on the GP32, and most importantly, figure out why the heck Monkey Island 1 won't work...s tupid disk01.lec

And, overall, the multi-tasking is going horribly :(
Ummm, did you have these issues before or after you flashed??

* is starting to become leary of flashing now *
None of my so called problems have anything to do with flashing, let alone anything other then my own silliness.

I figured out how to make backgrounds, and where the themes are kept quite easily enough.

I just don't know how to encode videos (This is started way before it even touches teh SMC card anyways)

And Monkey Island... I don't know what I am doing wrong there, but it isn't flashing.

I found out how to flash, I flashed, I held my breath for those pesky 15 seconds of zany Oh-My-God-I-Hope-My-Battery-Doesn't-Die-Now time, and when that was over, I found my GP32 in much better shape.

Like everyone else says, as long as you have fresh batteries, flash the darned thing! It is pretty simple, and the results are great!

Edit: And I totally agree with Aquafish. Many thanks forsuch a great multi-firmware in any case. I am enjoying it quite a bit!

*goes back to Sam and Max*

I'm half-teasing. I already flashed my FLU, and was just making double-sure it was safe to do it on a BLU. (I'm very paranoid, like all the time ... seriously)

Anyway, I did it. Yay.

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