Snes9x4p : last version does not seem to work.


Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2010
I downloaded the last version of Snes9x4P yesterday and when I launch a rom, none of them work. It goes back to the Snes9x4P menu.

It worked before. Should I erase a directory in the appdata ?

Thanx !
This new version is for the next firmware/os update. Best to stick to the archive version or jump on the superzaxon beta.

EDIT: This is a legitimate bug, as the change log state that this is suppose to support all versions.
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I changed the version of libsdl to include the same as shipped with the new OS. Sadly I don't have the old "pre HF7" firmware installed on my pandora anymore and could because of this not test if this one still works. I uploaded a new package shipping the old libSDL again. Please check if this fixes the issues for you. If it does not help, I'd like to know the following:

1) The content of the file "/etc/op-version".

2) The output of pndrun when starting snes9x4p. It should be available in some /tmp/pndrun_*snes9x.skeezix.alpha* file (yes, the file name is not 100% correct, but it should be obvious enough when looking at the files in /tmp/).

EDIT: I did not directly bump back to the last version shipped in previous versions but went to the latest version linked in notaz improved sdl thread. The issue you are seeing happens to due me simply not being able to test things on HF6 (at least not without reflashing to the old series). It should work nicely now. The issue you were seeing is due to the default firmware not having hardware acceleration support, the default mode being hardware accelerated and the (shipped) lib not being preloaded correctly due to a wrong filename supplied by me...
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I'm not sure whether I fully understand your post. However, it's still not working on HF5. Here the requested info...


Tag Name: Release-2010-05/1

VERSION: 8dbcf2c7f419b1e2ab074851e1afe25b0129a2c1

Branch: master

Image Builder:

Time Stamp: Mon, 30 Aug 2010 04:40:49 +0200

Base Image Name: pandora-xfce-image


sudo /usr/pandora/scripts/ -m -p /media/PANDORA32A/pandora/apps//snes9x4p_20120225.pnd -e ./ -b snes9x.skeezix.alpha

not mounted on loop yet, doing so



Filetype is Squashfs

Mounting PND (mount -t squashfs) :

/dev/loop0 on /mnt/pnd/snes9x.skeezix.alpha type squashfs (ro)

Filesystem is vfat

Mounting the Union FS using /media/PANDORA32A/pandora/appdata/snes9x.skeezix.alpha as Write directory:

mount -t aufs -o exec,noplink,dirs=/media/PANDORA32A/pandora/appdata/snes9x.skeezix.alpha=rw+nolwh:/mnt/pnd/snes9x.skeezix.alpha=rr none /mnt/utmp/snes9x.skeezix.alpha

none on /mnt/utmp/snes9x.skeezix.alpha type aufs (rw,si=64636077,noplink)

none on /mnt/utmp/snes9x.skeezix.alpha type aufs (rw,si=64636077,noplink)

[------------------------------]{ App start }[---------------------------------]

./ line 20: [: : integer expression expected

./ line 23: [: : integer expression expected

./ line 26: [: : integer expression expected

./ line 29: [: : integer expression expected

found at least HF7: no

ROM filename is /media/PANDORA32A/pandora/roms/snes/ActRaiser 1 (EN).smc

PWD pre-run /mnt/utmp/snes9x.skeezix.alpha

./ line 89: [: no: integer expression expected

No ROM file header found.

"ACTRAISER-USA" [checksum ok] LoROM, 8Mbits, Type: ROM+RAM+BAT, Mode: 20, TV: NTSC, S-RAM: 8Kb, ROMId:  Company:  

./ line 96:  1245 Segmentation fault  	./snes9x $ARGS "$1"

Starting PickleLauncher Version v0.21.

Running from '/mnt/utmp/snes9x.skeezix.alpha/' as 'picklelauncher'

Loading config.

Loading ziplist.

Initializing SDL.

SDL initialized.

Loading profile.

Closing TTF fonts.

Quitting TTF.

Quitting SDL.

Quitting PickleLauncher Version v0.21.

[-------------------------------]{ App end }[----------------------------------]

cleanup done

Are you saying, HF5 does not take advantage of (certain) HW acceleration features (only for snes9x or other emulators as well)? Should I update to HF7 anyway?

Thanks for your help.
Had a quick look in The numeric comparison operator is being used to compare strings.

if [ "$REQUIRED_MAJOR" -lt "$OS_MAJOR" ]

Either use string comparison operators or declare the variable as integer (typeset -i), but make sure you get a number from cat/grep/cut.

Maybe only a cosmetical problem, I didn't check whether the logic still works our or not.

Well, the VERSION string in my /etc/op-version doesn't look like a version number such as anyway.
Tag Name: Release-2010-05/1

GIT-VERSION: 8859f7f1b64838d76f5362eb0feafe4f514b1bc5

Branch: master

Version: - R1 Codename Zaxxon, Hotfix 6, Alpha 4

Image Builder:

Time Stamp: Tue, 11 Oct 2011 01:56:18 +0200

Base Image Name: pandora-xfce-image

Downloaded the new version and the problem is the same.

Will try the HF7 solution.
Changes in "1.39ff.20111215.3" compared to "1.39ff.20111215.2":

* Switched to the latest libSDL from notaz as of his thread, not the same as in the firmware. Also changed to script invoking it so that the lib is actually preloaded correctly.

Changes in "1.39ff.20111215.2" compared to "1.39ff.20111215.1":

* Compiled using a more recent toolchain (including additional compiler flags).

* Detect the OS version and use the system libsdl if >=HF7 is used.

* Ship the latest libsdl from Notaz as of SuperZaxxon Beta 1.1.

Apparently there's a new new SDL
EDIT: I did not directly bump back to the last version shipped in previous versions but went to the latest version linked in notaz improved sdl thread.
That version is not good for everybody, it just happens to help UAE4ALL but might break other things, that's why the change is not applied to git and not included in firmwares.
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EDIT: I did not directly bump back to the last version shipped in previous versions but went to the latest version linked in notaz improved sdl thread.
That version is not good for everybody, it just happens to help UAE4ALL but might break other things, that's why the change is not applied to git and not included in firmwares.
So you are saying what you link in your first post as "" should not be used? Do you have a link to the libSDL version which can/should best bes bundled?


The errors in the script don't matter at all. Since unless a more recent version is actually found, the comparison fails leading to the bundled libsdl being preloaded. The relevant issue is the segfault which happens due to hardware acceleration being used by default in that version. Hardware acceleration relies on a feature only available with the bundled libsdl (at least in the older firmware versions). If this is not available in the libsdl loaded (meaning: if the system version is loaded) snes9x will crash with a "Segmentation fault".

I don't really know why things are going wrong this badly with (pre) HF7 while things work with HF7 even when preloading the shipped library. Please make sure that you are using either version "1.39ff.20111215.3" or "1.39ff.20111215.1". When using .3 it *should* work correctly. As I said, I don't have HF6 installed anymore, so I can't test myself what is going on there. What does matter is that you get a segfault, similar to the segfault which happens when using hardware acceleration together with the experimental kernel.

What I could do is change the default behaviour so that it by defaults starts with 2x2 scaling which is pure software mode and because of this does not crash. Then every user would have to switch manually to a hardware scaling mode for each game. Though when doing so the emulator will still crash once you try to switch to a hardware scaling mode using the emulator menu.

What you could try to do is provide an (older) libsdl yourself:

1) Download the following file:

2) In the snes9x appdata folder create the subfolder lib/ (this should be something like "mkdir /media/YOUR_SDCARD/pandora/appdata/snes9x.skeezix.alpha/lib").

3) Save the downloaded file as "/media/YOUR_SDCARD/pandora/appdata/snes9x.skeezix.alpha/lib/"

When you are now starting snes9x4p you will be using the file from your appdata. If it still crashes than the change in the libsdl version is *not* the reason and something else is going on.
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EDIT: I did not directly bump back to the last version shipped in previous versions but went to the latest version linked in notaz improved sdl thread.
That version is not good for everybody, it just happens to help UAE4ALL but might break other things, that's why the change is not applied to git and not included in firmwares.
So you are saying what you link in your first post as "" should not be used? Do you have a link to the libSDL version which can/should best bes bundled?
I was referring to john4p's build linked from the very last post of that SDL thread.
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I was referring to john4p's build linked from the very last post of that SDL thread.
Ah, okay, I was using *your* latest build in .3. Maybe Yoshi can report back if the other file helps when placing it in the overlay folder...
I'm using hotfix 7 beta1 and i tried the latest snes emulator it works fine with no problems,are you using the same fw as mine,if not please use this one is good one.
I was referring to john4p's build linked from the very last post of that SDL thread.
Ah, okay, I was using *your* latest build in .3. Maybe Yoshi can report back if the other file helps when placing it in the overlay folder...
Still the same problem using the older libsdl.

pandora:/$ ls -l /media/PANDORA32A/pandora/appdata/snes9x.skeezix.alpha/lib/

total 1984

-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 2006282 Feb 26 01:13


sudo /usr/pandora/scripts/ -m -p /media/PANDORA32A/pandora/apps//snes9x4p_20120225.pnd -e ./ -b snes9x.skeezix.alpha

not mounted on loop yet, doing so



Filetype is Squashfs

Mounting PND (mount -t squashfs) :

/dev/loop3 on /mnt/pnd/snes9x.skeezix.alpha type squashfs (ro)

Filesystem is vfat

Mounting the Union FS using /media/PANDORA32A/pandora/appdata/snes9x.skeezix.alpha as Write directory:

mount -t aufs -o exec,noplink,dirs=/media/PANDORA32A/pandora/appdata/snes9x.skeezix.alpha=rw+nolwh:/mnt/pnd/snes9x.skeezix.alpha=rr none /mnt/utmp/snes9x.skeezix.alpha

none on /mnt/utmp/snes9x.skeezix.alpha type aufs (rw,si=64477337,noplink)

none on /mnt/utmp/snes9x.skeezix.alpha type aufs (rw,si=64477337,noplink)

[------------------------------]{ App start }[---------------------------------]

./ line 20: [: : integer expression expected

./ line 23: [: : integer expression expected

./ line 26: [: : integer expression expected

./ line 29: [: : integer expression expected

found at least HF7: no

ROM filename is /media/PANDORA32A/pandora/roms/snes/Area 88 (JP).smc

PWD pre-run /mnt/utmp/snes9x.skeezix.alpha

./ line 89: [: no: integer expression expected

No ROM file header found.

"AREA88" [checksum ok] LoROM, 8Mbits, Type: ROM only, Mode: 20, TV: NTSC, S-RAM: 0Kb, ROMId: ???? Company: ??

./ line 96:  1824 Segmentation fault  	./snes9x $ARGS "$1"

Starting PickleLauncher Version v0.21.

Running from '/mnt/utmp/snes9x.skeezix.alpha/' as 'picklelauncher'

Loading config.

Loading ziplist.

Initializing SDL.

SDL initialized.

Loading profile.

Closing TTF fonts.

Quitting TTF.

Quitting SDL.

Quitting PickleLauncher Version v0.21.

[-------------------------------]{ App end }[----------------------------------]

cleanup done
It still crashes for me. I guess I'll just wait until HF7 comes out proper before I update.

How hard would it be to port the latest desktop version of snes9x?
It still crashes for me. I guess I'll just wait until HF7 comes out proper before I update.

How hard would it be to port the latest desktop version of snes9x?

Tried the lib thing & it still quits for me, i too am going to wait for HF7.. but surely Zsnes would be a better option than snes9x.
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but surely Zsnes would be a better option than snes9x.
Why? ZSNES is worlds less accurate, and is pretty much x86-only. :p

I'm quite happy to take your word for it, as i haven't had any experience with Zsnes & only reference it because someone i know has always banged on about how much better than Snes9x it is, i personally have never had any issues with Snes9x.. but hey, horses for courses i guess..
Tried the lib thing & it still quits for me, i too am going to wait for HF7.. but surely Zsnes would be a better option than snes9x.
ZSNES has some x86 Assembly code (I don't know how much), so porting it to an ARM deviice would require some rewrites.

ZSNES is worlds less accurate
I wouldn't say "worlds less accurate". Sound is only off in one game I know of (and only slightly), Star Fox speed is perfect, and Star Fox 2 speed is only a little too fast.