SNES games that work well on GP32

The Mole

Oct 29, 2003
I think its about time i added a SNES emu to my GP32 and i have a few questions

1) what emu works the best ( my unit crashes when i try and overclock)
2) What games work the best on the GP32
3) How do you make up for the lack of buttons on the Gp32?
1. use both.... use SnesEmu for games that you dont need to save in and use Snes9x for games where you do.

2. My Recomended games that work well......

Sensible soccer
Most RPG's
the Donkey Kong games
Tetris Dreams (included DR Mario)

3. You can map different Snes buttons to different GP32 buttons at any time in Snes9x. Most SNES games dont even use all the buttons anyway.....
that's too bad if you can't get any 156 MHz overclocked emu's to work, that puts you in the minority... did you try that one or just 166?

there's tons of topics with "best playing SNES games" already, do a search to see.

real quick, here's a few: consider that I play these w/ no sound so it's faster

Cameltry/On the Ball, Punch Out (both in SnesEmu)
Prince of Persia, QBert 3, Rampart, Simcity, lots of RPGs (final fantasy 2, secret of mana, shadowrun)

there's tons of games that play well, you have to experiment. just lay off the fast action games though (unfortunately!)

hopefully we'll see a faster snes emulator someday, don't hold your breath though. as it is, I am very satisfied with what we have, still lots of fun!

BTW I have almost NEVER had "missing button issues," only pissed that I can't remap buttons in SnesEmu sometimes. Lots of games let you do that in their option screen though. Like I said -- very satisfied (but no, it ain't perfect!)
Thanks for your replys guys.

Some very interesting info there, i am glad Donkey Kong Country is playable as thats one of the ones i wanted most.

Well i have only tried to overclock useing the NGPC enu and even at 156 it crashes my GP32, i assume this means i cant overclock any game.
declaration posted on Dec 6 2003 at 05:48 PM said:
1. use both.... use SnesEmu for games that you dont need to save in and use Snes9x for games where you do.
So how do you save/load game states in snes9xgp?
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Have you tried using a 3v adapter instead of batteries? Some pairs of batteries are stable at high speeds for me, while others crash the GP32 within 30 minutes - but with the adapter, I can always overclock stably. Maybe try a 150MHz emulator, at least that should work.

Anyway, give Super Punch-Out!! a try on SNESemu; it runs at around 25 FPS at only 133MHz. Plus SNESemu has the (convenient?) side effect of eliminating the transparency effect on your boxer (I always found that annoying.)

So how do you save/load game states in snes9xgp?

SNES9xGP doesn't do true savestates, but it can dump battery-backed (SRAM) saves to the SMC. From the "pause" menu (Start + Select), choose to either save the SRAM and keep playing, or save and quit to the file browser.
I am gutted that Mario RPG does not work :(

How do i turn the sound on in SNES Emu?
TandeM posted on Dec 6 2003 at 08:23 PM said:
So how do you save/load game states in snes9xgp?

SNES9xGP doesn't do true savestates, but it can dump battery-backed (SRAM) saves to the SMC. From the "pause" menu (Start + Select), choose to either save the SRAM and keep playing, or save and quit to the file browser.
Yea I've seen that menu already but it didnt think it worked.

How do you then reload the sram for that game and continue playing where you saved? if you cant then whats the purpose of it?
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Try using the 133mhz version.

2. Super Mario World is great, so is Final Fantasy II. Super Smash TV is perfect. (these are all with sound). I'm sure there are many others but I can't name them all.
3. You first assign all the buttons you want, except for two. I recommend this setting:
GP32 Select = SNES Select
GP32 Start = SNES Start

Then you will be asked to configure the second settings. In this setting, make the GP32 L & R the SNES L & R.

Now when you play, and press select, you'll notice that the 1 next to the upper right part of the picture will turn into a 2. This means that now the second snes setting is active, so L & R = SNES L & R. Press select again to switch back.
How do you assign the buttons?

i get no options in either program they just load up.
generalnmx posted on Dec 6 2003 at 12:44 PM said:
2. Super Mario World is great, so is Final Fantasy II. Super Smash Bros. is perfect. (these are all with sound). I'm sure there are many others but I can't name them all.

You mean Super Smash TV or Super Buster Bros., right?
Yeah, I meant Smash TV.

There are no options in Snes Emu. For Snes9xgp, load a game and press select + start to enter the menu.
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you know on the snes how it had borders? well i took my t.v. to bits and fiddled around with it to get it fullscreen... :)
and then we were playing smash t.v round my mates house. (great game- 'a years supply of good meat!' hehehe) and we tried to do it to his telly, but i fiddled around with the wrong bit... and guess what?


i fixed it after a few days though :P :P :P
papapopalung posted on Dec 7 2003 at 05:17 AM said:
you know on the snes how it had borders? well i took my t.v. to bits and fiddled around with it to get it fullscreen... :)
and then we were playing smash t.v round my mates house. (great game- 'a years supply of good meat!' hehehe) and we tried to do it to his telly, but i fiddled around with the wrong bit... and guess what?


i fixed it after a few days though :P :P :P
:P haha. Sounds like your tired or something. But still Funny.

If i can compare for a second, which i have not idea, since I have not the oppurtunity yet to play anything on my soon arriving GP32, the MegaMan x games work great on the DC SNES Emu, (dreamSnes). Does that chip, i forget what its called, is it emulated in any of the emus on the GP32?
And maybe try out Braines, Fun puzzle game, but mode7. :angry:
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Donkey Kong Country is amazing it runs at a great speed with sound.

Im so impressed

The game i wanted was Theme Park that runs at full speed with sound also sadly the GP32 does not like one of the options screens (its all mangled) however you can get round it by useing the quick buy.

I also downloaded Tetris Attack which also runs at almost full speed with sound. From the way people were talking i thought the SNES games would be unplayable but i have found 3 top games that work great.

Im so glad i got a GP32 between great games like Pinball Dreams and D+G (I like it) i can play some SNES games listen to an MP3 watch a video or play some PC Engine games.

I hope it does well when it launches in Europe while i know it will not be upto GBA standards sales wise if it sells 1000 units then that maybe some new coders.
I am gutted that Mario RPG does not work

How do i turn the sound on in SNES Emu?

1 no mario r[g does not work for atall. I think someone mentioned once that it had another processor built into the card giving the snes's processor 3 times the original power.

2 there is no snound in snesemu

games that i like playing for the snes are the ff series, chrono trig, dk series, fifa as i cant get sensi workin, super mario, and f-zero.
Super Metroid with Snes9xGP at 156Mhz with sound! ~20fps
Donkey Kong all parts..
RPGs (Shin Megami Tensei, FF and so on:) )
SNES Rules!
thebluenewt posted on Dec 7 2003 at 09:19 PM said:
Azure posted on Dec 7 2003 at 08:11 PM said:
Yeah, mario rpg only works on snes9xgp

I don't suppose it's playable?
nah..... its probably the most unplayable game i've tried on Snes9x...... actually no, that award goes to Mario Kart. BUT, anyway, its not playable.
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