snes emulation and real-time clock? (regarding far east of eden zero)


Very Active Member
Jan 8, 2010

I knew about far east of eden zero, and it came to my mind a while ago.

Reading about it it seems to have a real-time clock that has some impact on the gameplay. Can any snes emulator in pandora mimic the behabiour of this clock (reading it from the OS or anyhow)? It is possible to play this game without this feature?

I can only remember a thing like this in pokemon gold, and I played that one the original hardware, so, can't know if this function has been emulated in any system, there sholdn't be many games that makes use of it.
According to this the RTC is on the cartridge, accessed from a third party chip that's on a few games. I guess if the emulator doesn't support that chip, the game data won't load, and whether it actually implements accessing the system's RTC properly is a subsequent thing you could test.

It does sound like this is the only game that has an RTC connected to that specific chip, so I don't know what the odds of this specific game working in any particular emulator.

Apparently the sequel to this game contains a different RTC, and that wasn't released in the west apparently, so I'd expect that's even slightly less likely to run well, but who can say for sure these days.
SNES9X supports the RTC feature, ive run it on my desktop specifically for this game when the english patch was released not too long ago.

I spent some time trying to get it running for pandora but i just kept running into a crash with any arm build i made.
It's probably worth checking the emuplus.ex SNES emulator before giving up on this. As I understand it, that's generally based on newer emu cores than anything else currently on Pandora (excluding things that build but crash and are unreleased). I'm not a fan of its UI, but they are the emulators that are easiest to configure to use external gamepads, and I think generally have the newer cores.