GP2X Smp Setup

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I originally assumed that he was talking in USD because he said $350 vs $170. In that expression I know that the GP2X is about $170 USD. So unless he was stating the GP2X prices in USD and the PSP in AUD (which would make no sense) I figured he was using one currency, USD. See how that worked :)
This thread had potential.
It did, but I'm certain that the topic will come up again very quickly once people start getting units and trying to push them.

trooper said:
Rainbow Islands: "The game is sometimes called "Bubble Bobble 2". However, two other games --"Bubble Symphony: The Story of Bubble Bobble 2" and "Bubble Bobble 2"-- claim the same name. Rainbow Islands happens after Bubble Bobble. Bubble Symphony happens after Bubble Memories, which is called Bubble Bobble 3, so Bubble Symphony is really Bubble Bobble 4 or 5. Bubble Bobble 2 also happens after Bubble Memories, so it is either Bubble Bobble 4 or 5. Bubble Symphony's song titles, which refer to Bub and Bob as "Grandfather", are true, then Bubble Symphony is Bubble Bobble 5 and Bubble Bobble 2, which features Robby, the "son", is Bubble Bobble 4. But then again, the intro of Bubble Symphony refers to Bubby and Bobby as the children of Bub and Bob, so Bubble Symphony is Bubble Bobble 4".
Since this thread has gone way past the point of recovery now, can I just ask where "Parasol Stars" fits in? :P
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$84.90 1GB SD Card
ARE YOU FUCKING RETARDED?!?! If you pay $84.90 in USD you got RIPPED OFF!!

(I heard all the yelling coming from my browser so I thought I'd join in :P It's so funny how quickly a simple misunderstanding can escalate into a flame war in just a few posts.)

We all need to be civil. This is a developer's forum where we talk about engineering and coding stuff. If you're about to flame someone, just stop for a second, take a deep breath, and don't do it. Nobody wants to have threads that start off about something useful (e.g. dual processor usage) degrade into something that is a complete waste of time.
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OK, I'm going to get this thread back on track.

Does Linux actually USE the 2nd CPU?

Does anyone have proof of that yet?
OK, I'm going to get this thread back on track.

Does Linux actually USE the 2nd CPU?

Does anyone have proof of that yet?

No linux itself only uses the 920T core, the media player uses the 2nd core directly, but the linux doesn't actually know that the 940T exists as a 2nd CPU it can use... mainly because the 2 CPU's are different types....
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mainly because the 2 CPU's are different types....
It has nothing to do with the fact that they are different types; in fact the 940 is the same as the 920 except that it has smaller caches.

It's because of the way the two CPU's are interfaced together. In this case I don't think the MMU handles all of the bus snooping and memory synchronization necessary for the Linux kernel to treat the 940 as a second CPU in an SMP system.

The MagicEyes processor has the 940 set up like a paripheral that you talk to through memory mapped registers making it more like a sound chip than a second processor in an SMP system.

Just think of it as a little helper Oompa Loompa that you can instruct to do something for you while you do other things.
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$229 Sony PSP Standard Pack (HW, battery + charger)
$119.90 Memory Stick PRO Duo 1GB
$98.90 TV Adapter Kit

$179 GP2X (what DOES come in the pack anyways?!?)
$84.90 1GB SD Card
$9.99 TV Cable

A ) You were ripped off on the SD card. Most people should order them from NewEgg or a similar online store, where I got mine for approximately $50 USD.

B ) It costs 1/10th the price to connect a GP2X to a TV than it does with a PSP. Clearly owned, pricewise. I am also pretty certain the GP2X has far greater video playing capabilities, plus homebrew goodness.

Edit: foolish thing turned my "B )" into a B) ;-)
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