Slubman Firmware And Smc Games


Still Fresh
Dec 25, 2003
How do I get my gp32 games to run with the slubman firware? I am trying to play Her knights and it tells me "no programs on smc" I like the autorun feature it has and the gpdrive which is why I am using the slubmanFW. Any help would be appreciated.
sonofx51 posted on Apr 21 2005 at 07:02 AM said:
How do I get my gp32 games to run with the slubman firware? I am trying to play Her knights and it tells me "no programs on smc" I like the autorun feature it has and the gpdrive which is why I am using the slubmanFW. Any help would be appreciated.

if you mean .smc files, they usually are cracked games, and they dont work in the console, and in addition they are not supported by the forum community ;)

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No not ".smc" files, my actual games. It wont launch the GXE, I tried using the explorer to launch it and nothing. IT IS AN ACTUAL GAME, not a "teh romz". Does it not support GXE files? Sux as I REALLY like this firware, makes it easy to launch apps, delete stuff I dont want, and I dont need to use that lame ass pc link file manager. :D
Theres a plugin by Aquafish that should play GXE files in Slubman. Most people use the Euro firmware for this type of thing. Also if its a boxed game (eg. on its own SMC) it won't work in slubman.
Wait, so if I get the aquafish plugin I can play my actual boxed game on its own SMC? Please say yes :unsure: And if so where can I dl it? thanks for your time.
from all the reading I have done it seems slubman firmware will not launch the encrypted smc cards only the decrypted ones that you buy from entware? so I guess I will go back to using the euroFW until there is a fix for it. thanks for everyones help.
I have that latest Sunman's firmware and it is awesome!!!!

In order for us to tell you please be very specific. When you go to the launcher
to the games or emulators show up???

What happens when you try to run them, do you get an error?

Make sure that executable for the program is in every thing is in the GPMM
Subman's firmware support every thing and I have yet to run into a program, app
or game it could not launch for the GP32.
Well, ED mentioned this in a thread a few days ago. Unfortuantely that .gxe plugin will only allow you to play gxe file encrypted to your GP32, not your SMC. So, to run these files, you could put an "official" FW in .bin format on your SMC (not sure if you can copy it to the SMC your Her knights is on), and launch it with Slubmans. Then swap the SMCs and launch it

DISCLAIMER: I am not sure if it works, and I can't be held responsibel for any damage!
I appreciate the help, I just went back to the Euro bios until I can play original official GP32 games that came with a box, not dl from entware or whatever. If I get tired of playing it then I guess I will switch back to slubman, but for now I am having fun with HK, and a couple of other games.
erm, in order to run smc encrypted games, you should take the old korean firmware (or the last euro) and convert it into a launchable .gxb with my Gp Firmware Maker (should be on the file archive..) and then you can use this one under slubmans firmware to launch your games!
i've a better solution that should come with my multifw v6.. still some months ... :P
Ok please tell me the proper name of the "Real" SMC games bought that come in the box with instructions and what not, I am not talking about games that you pay for and dl from a site like joygp/entware. Though I would like the name for those as well. I have the first one, and was trying to launch it with Slubman and it doesnt work. I have now switched back to the euro firmware so I can play my games. Again thanks for all the replies.
Blah posted on Apr 22 2005 at 05:39 AM said:
They're called boxed games...

lol thats what I thought, but I guess I tried to be too technical when explaining my problem originally. :D
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Horscht posted on Apr 21 2005 at 08:04 PM said:
Well, ED mentioned this in a thread a few days ago. Unfortuantely that .gxe plugin will only allow you to play gxe file encrypted to your GP32, not your SMC. So, to run these files, you could put an "official" FW in .bin format on your SMC (not sure if you can copy it to the SMC your Her knights is on), and launch it with Slubmans. Then swap the SMCs and launch it

DISCLAIMER: I am not sure if it works, and I can't be held responsibel for any damage!

Well I finally tried this and it works. Here is what I did

1. Flashed my gp32 with the slubman gpdrive firmware
2. copy euro firmware to my 128mb smc card to the root folder (where the firmware file is supposed to go before flashing it) overriding the fw.bin file that was there
3. run my 128mb smc and then the FW.bin shows up in the launcher
4. run the FW.bin
5. before choosing "Play" pull out the smc and insert the actual game you want to play and then choose "Play"
6. Enjoy!

thanks for all the help everyone.
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