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Quick question for Skyrim nerds 
When Dragonborn releases for PC (begin of Jan I guess..) I'll probably dive back into things (Dragonborn + Dawnguard, and random wandering of course).. I paid my 80 hour penance when Skyrim first came out, but not touched it in the year since, so I've forgotten something I keep meaning to look into ..
For my main saves (I never bother with the main questline in Elder Scrolls games
I just ransacked through Mage Guild and Dark Brotherhood and various fun bits, early on; ie: my main guy picked up the Awesome Mage Gear (completion of that questline) and the mage house right early on; seemed like nearly the best armor in the game for mages, at the time. (I ignored crafting, had no time for it.)
Given the whole auto-leveling nature of the game however .. is stuff likek the DB gear or Mage gear, which is 'best in game' when you acquire it.. dies it quickly lose value after a few levels, then? Or does that stuff, the end of questline stuff, stay 'tops'?
I just assume that if, like me, you did the mage line really low level, then you've basicly shot some of the best gear in the face; it would perhaps be preferable to not do the last few quests or whatever, do some of the main or other questlines, then come back and finalize and get the tops gear, at a poitn when it stays relevent?
Any thoughts?
When Dragonborn releases for PC (begin of Jan I guess..) I'll probably dive back into things (Dragonborn + Dawnguard, and random wandering of course).. I paid my 80 hour penance when Skyrim first came out, but not touched it in the year since, so I've forgotten something I keep meaning to look into ..
For my main saves (I never bother with the main questline in Elder Scrolls games
Given the whole auto-leveling nature of the game however .. is stuff likek the DB gear or Mage gear, which is 'best in game' when you acquire it.. dies it quickly lose value after a few levels, then? Or does that stuff, the end of questline stuff, stay 'tops'?
I just assume that if, like me, you did the mage line really low level, then you've basicly shot some of the best gear in the face; it would perhaps be preferable to not do the last few quests or whatever, do some of the main or other questlines, then come back and finalize and get the tops gear, at a poitn when it stays relevent?
Any thoughts?