Side Scrolling Shooters

R-Type on the SMS is an excellent side scroller too. R-Type, Asterix and the Sonic games are probbaly the games that push the SMS to it's limits.
since when have asterix and sonic been side scrolling shoot em ups <_< :P ;)

probably better to play rtype on the pc-engine as its the better version
Well, okay, I am a bit drunk and shouldn't be near the internet and so Asterix and Sonic are not side scrolling shooters. I just got a bit side tracked thinking about SMS games.
However, I would dispute your opinion that the PC Engine version is better. It has better graphics but is not full screen so when you play it there is stuff going on that you can't see, thus it is dangerous to be to close to the top or bottom of the screen. The SMS version is full screen and has excellent graphics (up there with Asterix and Sonic!) and so is more playable in my opinion. PCE version is nice though.
lol, i was just about to say the same myslef (he says typing while cracking open another can of becks...mmmm). I sometimes come back from a night out totally wasted , it amazes me how i can manage to login, type in a conversation and not delete/screw u anything on my system! :D