Should I Or Shouldn't I?


Active Member
Mar 1, 2004
Hi there,

I havn't posted for years as a) Focus has settled on GP2X and B) My GP32 is kinda knackered - it refuses to do diagonals and the screen is way to dirty and looks washed out.

So, I just saw a video of the GP2X and it looks ace, totally cool and the best.

My question is, is it worth it?

It seems brilliant having all those systems andplaying thru the telly looks cool as well. But is it? Can I have some opinions on how people like theirs?

Is it built better than GP32? dodgy light button, joystick and general feel?

cheers for advice - I nearly bought one purely of the strength of the video!
I've had mine for a week, and I'd recommend it to anyone. I don't know how it compares to the GP32, since I've never seen one, other than on the 'net. But, this thing is super. NeoGeo, MAME, and Genisis (Megadrive) emus are great. I haven't tried the SNES emu yet, but I hear it's coming along nicely.

Video capabilities are good, but I'd recommend re-encoding movies with PocketDivX for maximum compatibility and battery life. It makes a good mp3 player, too.

My only complaint about the TV-out is that it uses a male S-Video connector. I'll have to order a cable off the 'net, as I can't find one locally (they're all male to male here, and you need a female to male cable)
The GP2X was worth every penny to me, and in the little time that i've had it, it's already feels like it's worth a lot more than what I paid for it, thanks to all the awsome emulators, games, applications, and ports. There's some amazing stuff on the way too, so I really can't wait. :D

Must get back to Nethack soon :)
Buy it, if you have the money. And buy atleast a 1gig card with it.
If you liked/loved the gp32, you will like/love the gp2x.
I fully recomend this product.

I've had mine for about two months now(got mine a week before the MKII was announced, figures) Still with it's CAP replaced, it has been a godsend for a potrable player.

Plays movies, and Emu's like no other. (Plus running a C64 on a portable? Awesome.)

I have spent quite a bit of money on it, and don't regret it at all.

If you need help, this forum is an excellent place. New game/apps/utils are being made for it everyday.

Like the other user said that the TV-OUT was kind of a pain, but a trip to radio shack and you can get the correct connector/converter. My complaint is that where you plug the Tv-out cable in, is on the bottom of the unit and can be in the way sometimes if you are playing games via TV. I think they should have put it on the top of the unit. That way the cable i'snt in the way and it wouldn't run the risk of getting bent or pulled out of the unit accidently.

There are plenty of extra's to get for it, get some decent rechargable batteries, screen protector(even the psp screen protectors work, you just have to cut them down a little). Get yourself a 4 Gig memory card they're only about 100 bucks. (I use the ridata 4GB 150x card, works like a champ)

Of all the other handheld investments i've made(PSP sucks, Nintendo DS has its moments, GBA, Palm etc..) I have used the Gp2x more then any of them.

A few more tweaks and this system will really shine!

Hope you enjoy yours!

Works well, overclocking is easy once you write some bash scripts. My only two points of feedback:

- Battery gauge does not actually gauge battery life. I can tell my Energizer 2500mAh rechargeable AAs are empty when the screen becomes a vertical rainbow haze then fades out. Kind of like I can tell a date is over when I come back with two beers and the table is deserted.

- Emu authors: Please *AND FOR F*CK'S SAKE* allow us to remap the D*MN KEYS! My fingers are too pudgy to comfortably hover over A + B at once. See those shoulder buttons up yonder? They're good fer more than jes showin' that thar menu.
If you want a truly unbiased opinion look in the Marketplace. Are more people offloading their new purchase or are more people getting rid of the GP32 ? Speaks for itself.
GP2X is 15.7x better than the GP32 last time I measured it with my apparatus.
that's nothing to do with speed, just a direct measurement of general betterness on the traditional scale of 1 to 17.

re: nethack - there's nothing like taking on the role of an enchanted question mark on a quest to beat the shit out of a few rogue exclamation marks and a dollar sign. Sounds like too much fun! Not got round to playing it myself yet but hopefully I will find time to rate it on the traditional scale, I'm sure it's a 17 easily.
My GP32 is working fine, but I longed for a FLU/BLU.
I waited and got a GP2X instead.

From a GP32 owners perspective:

- backlit
- a wider array of emulated systems.
- bigger memory cards available
- movie player superior to GPCinema
- more RAM

Can't go wrong with a GP2X if you liked the GP32.
I have a PSP, but didn't really want to constantly play the homebrew'able BIOS
versions game. I can see people buying a PSP for homebrew though...
The TV cable is now all female, so that's that problem solved for the future ;)
Nice to know, could I get my one replaced with the new one by any chance?
Yeah, but you'd still have to pay full price for the new one. :D
When, exactly, did they switch to female plug, because I got mine two or three weeks ago now, and it's male. Nothing much to complain about, though, because I did get myself a female-female cable. Not that it WORKS for me, but at least I got the right components.

re: nethack - there's nothing like taking on the role of an enchanted question mark on a quest to beat the shit out of a few rogue exclamation marks and a dollar sign. Sounds like too much fun! Not got round to playing it myself yet but hopefully I will find time to rate it on the traditional scale, I'm sure it's a 17 easily.

You sound like you should definitely try Dzz's port. It has ten tilesets that come with it. At least four of which are graphical ones, and a few of those look really good. <nerd src="nethack" mode="pedantic">You play as an @, though, you douche*!</nerd>

*yes, I just called him a shower. I think. My French isn't that good any longer.
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